7.7 Calendar not working?

First of all, Awesome new look! Loving it! It is so appealing.

My issue is that my calendar is not showing in the new theme. I go to the calendar and I get what the picture shows. I have cleared the cache and tried a different computer and doesn’t work on mobile either.

I tried reading for any issues you may have already addressed but I couldn’t find anything.

If anyone has any ideas, I would greatly appreciate them.

Thank you so much for your work!


It looks like we have an issue here … we will be doing an update release that addresses this in the next few days

Hello, All.
7.7. ver. In the SuteR theme that Calendar is not working too :blink: . Screenshot below.
Thank you, for yor attention.

Thanks for that … the team has been alerted.

Just to follow up on this topic, this issue has been resolved in the 7.7.1 release.

If you experience any further issues, we advise that you log these on the SuiteCRM GitHub Repository.

