7.6.3 upgrade to 7.7.4 Template Issue

I installed 7.6.3 a little while back. I did the upgrade to 7.7.4

Everything worked just fine until I changed the theme. Now there is no theme.
I went into the admin panel and tried to change the theme back to the original and
it is still giving me no theme.

Thanks for any info! I love SuiteCRM!

Check your config_override.php files, there will be two entries named $sugar_config[ā€˜default_themeā€™] and $sugar_config[ā€˜disabled_themeā€™]. You can change your theme from there.

If there are not these two entry, add below lines :-

$sugar_config[ā€˜default_themeā€™] = ā€˜Suite7ā€™;
$sugar_config[ā€˜disabled_themeā€™] = ā€˜SuitePā€™

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please define ā€œthereā€™s no themeā€, is like all html like without css?

best regards

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So sorry for the long delay. I did not see the message in my inbox. I will pay better attention in the future. The CSS was missing. Only HTML was displaying. I was able to navigate back to the template change area. I had to change the default theme to SUITE P to run my old default SUITE R

Thank you!

I have attempted to replicate it by changing it back to SUITE P again here is the image. Now to figure out again how I got it to work lol :slight_smile: I want to learn more about this great system and use it with future clients.

Thank you,

Thank you this helped bring back my old theme.

Does the update not come with the new theme? is this a separate install?