7.4 fresh instance - Error Loading relationship (assigned_user_id) often

Fresh install of 7.4 on WAMP

I’m the only user on the system so far, as Admin

I’ve seen Loading Relationship errors in the logs for AOD_Index and I think other modules, and now for the new AOK_KnowledgeBase. I suspect this has something to do with my user profile, but I’m not sure. Email is setup & working, required fields are populated; not sure what else to check there.

What’s curious is that the error relating to the KB occurred when I was nowhere near it. I had just done a quick repair/rebuild and clicked the upper left text to return to the home page. One guess is that the query was related to loading the Favorites section where there is a KB article. But I checked that record and I’m the Author ( = user_assigned_to?)

7.4 have add KB modules.

I think, the install script have forget to update the database to the new vardef files KB.

In general, when you install a new suitecrm, a upgrade… always do a quick-repair-rebuild and on the bottom of this result… you can see a windows with sql statement to execute for sync database to vardef.

I suppose this was the error (on my understand)


This was a fresh install, not upgrade. After every major step, I’ve done a repair/rebuild. I’ve only had one instance where it asked to do some SQL, and that was when I installed a small custom module unrelated to cases or KB.