7.3 blank installation following errors: undefined + {"content":"

Hello, Ive just installed the 7.3 Beta version. the installation worked fine. But On the system I get undefined buttons and a popup screen with the message: {“content”:"

Does somebody has an idea what can cause this problem.

with kind regards


Verify following things.

  • Check apache logs if any error occured
  • Check sugarcrm.log
  • May be some ajax has failed because of error reporting. Turn of the error reporting.

thanks for the tipp
Thias was caused due to the folder or configh.php permissions.
After setting them to 777 it worked.

On all suite crm version Im missing as a non-conform self hoster a info about the htacces configuration and folder perissions on a pre install info screen or in a manual. This would have made things easier.

But im satisfied with what I see for now.