7.13 to 8.0 migration but still 7.13

I went through the migration and followed every step without issue. However, I can access the legacy files but they come up as 7.13 still?

I unzipped the migration folder in suitecrm8 on my root, then copied the files in my original suitecrm to suitecrm8/public/legacy before going through the commands. After going through all of them and changing my subdomain, and even changing the folder name of my original instance to suitecrm-BAK, I still get the log-in screen but in the About page, it still says 7.13. Any suggestions on what I did wrong to not get it updated properly? Thanks.

I see the reason it is still 7.13 is because it did not go the actual upgrade. It is telling me that the memory of 36MB is too low, however I have it set to 512MB. Is there a place I am missing where you can set other than php.ini and on the PHP manager in cpanel?

In Admin / Diagnostics / phpinfo you can see the effective values of memory limits, and the path of the relevant php.ini files.

Often people change the wrong php.ini, or neglect to restart web server, and the value is still the old one.