7.11 Installation and other questions before purchase

We are looking for a crm for our company and this looks like it may be the one, however first i am disappointed that you dont have a telephone sales team, however.

  1. I have uploaded and installed the latest version, but i cant get past the licence acceptance page the next button does not work. I have set all permissions as per the document.

  2. Does this crm allow you to add extra feields in every area, like accounts or contacts where additional information will be required.

  3. Does it export the table for instance in contacts in excel with all fields shown including custom ones

  4. Will it import tables with custom columns.

  5. Each user, will they see just their own entries unless permission given by admin to see everyone.

I would be grateful if support could answer this as quickly as possible so we can make a decision today.

Hi there,

1.) We would need more information about your server setup and what permissions you have set.
2.) Yes, fields can be added with the Studio functionality in Admin -> Studio.
3.) Yes, you can export data from most modules by selecting records and then selecting the Export option which will export your records in a .csv format.
4.) Yes, you can import data/custom data and map those columns/fields to fields in the module you are importing to.
5.) You can utilise roles in Admin -> Role Management and apply roles to users to set differing levels of permissions to users on the CRM.



Its a hosted shared platform with fasthosts, its a linux running php 5.4

I have copied this from the server page

Linux CentOS serverrecommended for PHP websites. Includes support for Perl and Python CGI, plus SSH access.

Config.php – must exist and must have the appropriate permissions to make it writeable
The following SuiteCRM files must be writeable:

does this help

Hi there,

It may be worth researching/confirming but I believe if you are running CentOS your owner/group will be apache.

Please set your permissions as follows:

sudo chown -R apache:apache .

sudo chmod -R 755 .

sudo chmod -R 775 cache custom modules themes data upload config_override.php

Then re-try installing.



Tried all of that and still nothing on any browser, please note i do not have a cpanel only FTP and fasthosts own control panel

Hi there,

It still sounds like permissions. If you can set the correct permissions and have full access to your file system from the admin client, you should be able to set the correct permissions via an FTP client(although it may take some time).



I have done all that but still it will not go past the next button, would it help if you had a look in my ftp i can send you details

Hi will I have put the ftp details on your skype if you can accept the contact request. suiteCRM is in the sub filer “centers”

Chris we will not be accessing your instance to assess it, If you feel you need more than forum support this is something we can do but it would be chargeable, please get in touch if that something you feel you need.

However, it is likely the issues you are experiencing are likely caused by using PHP 5.4 which it not supported in the current release or your permissions are incorrectly set
