7.10 text line spacing issue

Noticed in 7.10, the spaces between text lines larger than 7.9.x. It is hard to view the whole text note or case update. Is space between lines configurable?

The line spacing is not configurable via any kind of user screen or menu. You would have to tweak the settings in the style.css file, but it’s not too difficult. There are some other posts that tell you how to inspect the css settings for a SuiteCRM page, then make the necessary changes in the style file.

Sure there is style.css to tweak, but that means every one that upgrade to 7.10 will need to do that. It looks strange when you typing or when viewing content. It worked in pre 7.9.x code base, why it was changed? just wondering if it is a side effect of some other change that we have not discovered.

Only users that need tighter spacing will have to make the css tweak.

What you have stumbled over here, is the old argument on this forum, regarding colors, spacing/padding, contrast, etc.

Hopefully, at some stage, SA will make all these parameters user-configurable (by System Admins), by theme, so that each installation of SuiteCRM can be customized to individual requirements.

For the moment, in order to get the best out of Suite, you are really going to have to acquire at least a little knowledge of PHP and CSS.

Test it on 7.10.3 suitecrm.com/demo and the issue still there.
edit case description, add few lines then save it and view it, the line space is 3 times the line spacing in edit. Takes space and hard to read.