7.10.1 Workflow - Sending Email from Project Task to Account

I may have missed how this can be accomplished, but using WorkFlow, how can I send condition-based email (using Email Templates) from a specific Project Task to its corresponding Account (email1).

Sending Project to Account Emails works great (using Table projects_accounts).

Should I enable somehow the 2 empty custom tables included in the core code? (projecttask_accounts_1_c and projecttask_project_1_c)?

I believe sending Project Tasks to Account Emails should be included in the Standard Functionality since this is a critical WorkFlow need for meaningful use of Project Tasks for Accounts.

If this in not an optional capability that needs to be activated, what are the options for me to do this until the Core code has full capability.

This need is absolutely required for me to use SuiteCRM. I’m really hoping here is an approach I can use.

Please advise. THX.

It appears using Studio to add relationships creates new Tables to support the new relationships.
For example, adding a relationship for Project Task and Accounts creates the meta file projecttask_accounts_1MetaData and the related Table

I assume if I populate the new Table with appropriate existing Project and Account keys it will be used in the WorkFlow to send Emails to Accounts related to the Project Task? (similar to the projects_accounts Table for Projects).

Please confirm if I’m going in the right direction. Any other issues, things to do, etc…? THX

I don’t really know the answer, I think you should just go ahead and try it. If it works, fine.

I am a bit skeptical, though, because I don’t see this as a relationship. You’re not really grouping records in parent-child relationships, you just need a small piece of data from a twice-removed relation, and you’re struggling with the limited expressiveness of Workflows.

I think the best solution in terms of architecture would be what I recommended in the other thread - bypass those Workflow limitations and use a hook.

You see, while “An Account directly contains several projects” and “A Project is made up of Project Tasks”, you can’t really express your new relationship in a way that makes sense: “An Account directly contains several Project tasks”? No, indirectly. “An Account is made up of several Project Tasks”? No.