7.10.1 Edit no longer working

What a mess.

I just upgraded to 7.10.1 and now the Edit functions does not work on either Leads or Accounts.

Iā€™ve looked at the permissions via FTP, Iā€™ve done a Quick Repair and a Relationship Repair and a Javascript Repairā€¦ and it does not work.

Any idea how to fix this?

If you have not upgraded to 7.10.1ā€¦ DONā€™T!!

I canā€™t reproduce this, on my test system I just successfully edited both a Lead and an Account.

What exactly do you edit? Do you use the Edit view, or inline edit? And what happens, is it ignored, or do you get an error?

Maybe you can also try it on the live demo to see if it looks different there


Iā€™ve been using Suite for a number of years now. I did the update to 7.10.1.

I pull up a record, click the Edit buttonā€¦ and nothing happens. Wherever the javascript is for this codeā€¦ is not executing:

<input title="Edit" accessKey="i" class="button primary" onclick="var _form = document.getElementById('formDetailView'); _form.return_module.value='Accounts'; _form.return_action.value='DetailView'; _form.return_id.value='7aac6862-b01b-4a4b-e139-59ef929d4797'; _form.action.value='EditView';SUGAR.ajaxUI.submitForm(_form);" type="button" name="Edit" id="edit_button" value="Edit"> 

The only button that works is the Delete button in that it at least pops up a Javascript ā€˜alertā€™.

Most of the drop-down menu items donā€™t work either.

The siteā€™s javascript is not working. Iā€™ve tried to rebuild it but so far no luck.

I do a Quick Repair and at the end of the listing I get this:

/* Table : oauth2clients */
/*MISMATCH WITH DATABASE - duration_value - ROW [name] => ā€˜duration_valueā€™ [type] => ā€˜intā€™ [len] => ā€˜11ā€™ /
VARDEF - duration_value - ROW[name] => ā€˜duration_valueā€™ [type] => ā€˜integerā€™ [required] => ā€˜ā€™ [reportable] => ā€˜ā€™ [api-visible] => ā€˜ā€™ [inline_edit] => ā€˜ā€™ [dbType] => ā€˜integerā€™ [len] => ā€˜ā€™ */
/*MISMATCH WITH DATABASE - duration_amount - ROW [name] => ā€˜duration_amountā€™ [type] => ā€˜intā€™ [len] => ā€˜11ā€™ /
VARDEF - duration_amount - ROW[name] => ā€˜duration_amountā€™ [vname] => ā€˜LBL_DURATION_AMOUNTā€™ [type] => ā€˜integerā€™ [required] => ā€˜ā€™ [reportable] => ā€˜ā€™ [api-visible] => ā€˜ā€™ [inline_edit] => ā€˜ā€™ [dbType] => ā€˜integerā€™ [len] => ā€˜ā€™ /
ALTER TABLE oauth2clients modify COLUMN duration_value integer NULL , modify COLUMN duration_amount integer NULL ;

This update has totally hosed my entire Suite system.

Is there a way to do a re-install but keep the old database? If not, it looks like Iā€™m done here.


You can track the database issue here

Do you have any ERROR or FATAL messages in php_errors.log or in suitecrm.log?

Sometimes a single error can break lots of javascript, if itā€™s interrupting the screen generationā€¦

Iā€™m not sure where to find the php_errors.log. There is no suitecrm.log only a sugarcrm.log and in it is:

Mon Mar 5 13:26:04 2018 [63085][1][FATAL] Query Failed: ALTER TABLE email_addresses ADD confirm_opt_in VARCHAR(255) DEFAULT ā€˜opt-inā€™ NULL: MySQL error 1060: Duplicate column name ā€˜confirm_opt_inā€™
Mon Mar 5 13:37:29 2018 [59905][1][FATAL] ERROR: rmdir_recursive(): argument cache/themes/SuiteP/modules is not a file or a dir.

If I go to any of the drop-down menus (Accounts, Leads, etc.) all I get is the gray box starting with:

SuiteCRM has been written and assembled by SalesAgility. The Program is provided AS IS, without warranty. Licensed under AGPLv3.

I started with Suite in 2014 right after Sugar dropped their community edition and Iā€™ve never had the system break as badly as this update broke my install. Even Sugar never broke this badly.

I can bring up records from from the ā€œMy Accountsā€ dash-let on the home page, but I canā€™t edit it once it comes up,

Iā€™ll try anything to get my system back.

It is a good thing I have a full backup using espocrm.com or Iā€™d be in deep, deep trouble.

I like Suite betterā€¦ but not today!!! :slight_smile:

There is a fix for some of your errors on that GitHub Issue, maybe you can try them. Theyā€™re easy to apply manually.

I did the above new method to create a new intance (including the install) and things are working again in the clean install.

What a mess!

But it is good to have it working again.