500 Internal Server Error - Api Access Token

Hello Everyone,

I hope someone can help me with my concern; I am trying to get access_token in both PHP 7.4 and 8.0. but I got this image below:

I have two SuiteCRM scripts on my instance: one is SuiteCRM 7.12.8 and the other one is SuiteCRM 8.2.2. At first, I tested it using PHP 8.0, but upon searching on the internet for a solution, others were able to fix this issue by downgrading their PHP version to 7.4, but mine are still the same.

Home someone can help me with this issue. thanks

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Did you follow these steps to generate the public private keys

It seems like the issue is with your keys

Hi @abuzarfaris , Yes, I followed the steps in the documentation, but I still got that error.

Hello, anyone can help me with this issue and how I am going to resolve it? I am using the Sugar Vagrant php80es716 instance. I tried it in SuiteCRM v7.12.8, v7.13.1, and v8.2.2, but I still got this 500 Internal Server Error.

Server Information:
Ubuntu 18.04.3 LTS
PHP 8.0.27 (cli)
MySQL Ver 8.0.28 (MySQL Community Server - GPL)
Server version: Apache/2.4.53

Hey dude, Have you just tried by swithing to old PHPH 7.4 ?