5-Level Hierarcy with Security Settings

Is it possible to have a multi tier hieararchy with Security Suite. For eg:

Level 1 : Area Sales Reps
Level 2 : City Head
Level 3 : State Head
Level 4 : Country Head
Level 5 : Continent Head
Level 6 : VP Sales.

Ofcourse, VP sales should be able to see everything.
Continent heads should be able to all countries under them only and not for other countries and so on.

Hi, welcome.

Yes it should be possible.

This can get a bit complicated, so I suggest that you try it first in a test installation.

Start from this scenario:


then work from there, try to make it more similar to your case, add levels, etc.

In order for this to be workable, you will probably need to make it more practical by adding a few customizations. When you have many security groups with complex relationships, it’s helpful to have some additional logic helping users assign them correctly.

Tell me if you want to be contacted about consultancy and/or customizations. Thanks.

Can the docs have more than One examples of Usual setup for security Groups. 3-4 Levels would give more generic solutions.

They can, if you write more examples :wink: it’s editable by anyone.

I never tried with more than two levels…

If it’s very complicated, instead of putting it in the main Docs, which is what people read to get an introduction, we could put it in the Technical Blog as a separate article.

But I don’t have much time to devote to writing, unfortunately.

Hey, I have gone through all those already. And I have experience with SuiteCRM as well.

Honestly speaking its a great open source product and I would be glad to contribute the documentation but I don’t have the solution.

I’ll try to explain where I am stuck with the help of an example :

So I’ll create groups :

For City Heads: Bangalore, Mysore, Mumbai, Bangkok
For State Heads: Karnataka, Maharashtra, Bangkok State
For Country Heads: India, Thailand
For Continent Heads: Asia

In the Asia Group, I’ll add Asia Head and India Head and Thailand Head.
In India Group, I’ll add India Head, Karnataka head and Maharashtra Head.

For India head to see whatever is under Karnataka and Maharashtra, he will be given Group Level permission.
Since India head will have Group Level permission, and he is part of Asia Group, he will have access to whatever is under Asia Group as well, which mean India head will be able to see leads present under Thailand Group.

Have you tried with “strict rights” turned on?

That’s in Admin / Security suite settings

What other settings do you have in that screen, the defaults?

Strict rights turned on didn’t help. But I figured out the solution and have added the documentation here…


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That’s very nicely written! Congratulations.

Are you sure you don’t want to add that to our own Docs site as a Technical Blog post?

Oh sure I can add to to the technical blog post. I am not aware how it works.

There is something here teaching how to edit:


I can also help if you have questions.