404 on Google when searching for "suitecrm forums"

Hi there!

I am not sure this is the right forum tag, but please be aware that searching the keyword suitecrm forums on Google I obtain a SERP where many of the results, including the first two, are 404. Screenshot here => https://idearia.link/4YnC7Y

Nothing too bad for the average user, but might look bad for potential new users :slight_smile:


We did a lot of hard work to get the redirects working, most of the pages are redirecting well.

But those are crazy URL’s, where does Google get that?

https://suitecrm.com/suitecrm/forum/suite-forum :question: I wonder why that even worked before…

Thanks for the heads up, I’ll have to see if we can make some special-purpose redirects just for these two entries, since they are showing so relevantly on Google…

I feel you, Google is incredibly good at finding stuff it shouldn’t!
A few months ago, Google indexed a staging instance of an e-commerce we manage (I work at a Web Agency)… even after no-indexing it and redirecting it, the staging website outranked the live website for three weeks :scream:

Anyways, these kinds of problems can be spotted on Google Search Console; there you can even set up email alerts.
Let me know if you need help with GSC, we use it routinely for our clients at my agency :slight_smile:


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This is fixed now, thanks for the heads up :+1:

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