404 errors - scratching my head

I just have one issue left to resolve, which is the ‘undefined’ fields and headings popping up. In Chrome I switched on the debug and the undefined elements seem to all relate to 404 errors, pointing at the javascript files in the public/legacy/cache/jslanguage …, based upon the errors it displays.

I have trawled the various help forums and seen lots of advice on permissions but believe that these are all set, as this is a Windows install, so should be OK. Is this a case of missing files or files not being correctly routed ? I have run all of the rebuild options for these and rebooted everything .

I am at a loss as to where to go from here.

Any pointers gratefully received to complete my install.

I was struggeling with the same problem.

In the .htacces file of the directory public/legacy/ a slash was missing.

In my case I changed in row 22
RewriteBase /suitecrm/publiclegacy/
RewriteBase /suitecrm/public/legacy/

synk Thank You massively.

The same problem - My RewriteBase path was actually missing the /public in row 22.

So it was /suitecrm8/legacy/, which could clearly not be resolved and gave the 404 error. Annoyingly, I had checked the .htaccess file in /public and that was all fine but didn’t follow this through into the /public/legacy directory where the other .htaccess that you identified resides.

Updated it to /suitecrm8/public/legacy/ and reloaded the app. All now good everywhere that I have checked. I am now going to do a final check and clear down the test data that I loaded and will let the team loose on the app to upload the real and latest accounts, contacts and opportunities and start using it in anger from tomorrow.

Thank you and everyone on the forum that assisted with what were mostly minor errors, but which I hope will help others avoid them in the future.

SuiteCRM seems to be a great system and one we are really looking forward to using in a live environment. I am sure I will be back to the forum at some point for further help, but hopefully, for now, I can focus on the app and processes to ensure that we make best use of it.

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In my case the solution was to edit the .htaccess at line 22: RewriteBase /legacy/ to: RewriteBase /public/legacy/

That did the trick for me with SuiteCRM 8.2.2