Wrong decimal places in imported quotes amounts


when I import quotes the decimal places of amounts are wrong - p.e. in the import csv the “Total” is “1.500,00”, but after import in the quote the Total is “15.000,00”.

Or when I import a total of “150,99” in the imported quote the total is “15099,00”

So the comma for the decimal places is not recognized in the right way.

I checked the “view import file properties” - but there everythings seems to be ok:

Currency Significant Digits: 2
Decimal symbol: ,
1000er seperator: .

What can I do? Any ideas?

Thank in advance

Please always say your SuiteCRM version, it really helps me navigate all these different people asking questions in all these threads… thanks.

What do your format options look like in the User’s profile?

Also, can you please try it in the live demo and see if it works there?

demo.suiteondemand.com (user:will, pass: will)

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I have found a workaround to solve this bug with imported currency fields in this 3 years old post: Import currency field - đź’¬ General Discussion - SuiteCRM


Is there no solution to import currency fields with changed separators (non default)?

And now I get an import error message every time I try to import currency fields:

“A non-numeric value encountered on line 100 in file currency.php”

It appears after I click “Next” on the duplicate page during the import process. When I leave the error page the records seems to be imported correctly.

How can I fix this error message?

Thanks, best regards

I tried it with suiteCRM Version is 7.11.7 AND 7.11.8 and German language pack - both the same separator error during import of currency fields

The PHP error message only appeared in 7.11.7 (untill now).

Profile settings:

Export Delimiter: ,
Import/Export Character Set: UTF-8
1000s separator: . (now I changed to default ,)
Decimal Symbol: , (now I changed to default .)
Currency Significant Digits: 2
Currency: Euro

Thank you
Thank you!

Hmm this definitely looks like a bug.

Have you searched Github to see if this is already reported there? If not, I would ask you to open a new Issue, and include all this information you found, with a nice and complete “steps to reproduce” list. Ideally you could even attach a sample CSV to generate the problem…

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