
Repair isn’t helping. Button stays ‘inactive’ :(.

Version 7.6.6
Sugar Version 6.5.23 (Build 1061)

what errors are you receiving? (like using inspect element [console] etc) what browser are you using? is it the same on others?

i used firefox and Chrome. Both same issue, Console and inspect element are both empty (No errors)

have you enabled pop ups for that url from your browser? :huh:

Yes, i allowed all pop-ups :frowning:


hmm could you check the suite log as well and see if you are getting any errors there? could you provide screenshots of that

Sure! Where can i find it? :blush:

Admin > system settings > View Log > All > scroll to the bottom

This is everything from today. Nothing special i think?

Mon Oct  3 08:15:12 2016 [13914][-none-][FATAL] SECURITY: User authentication for admin failed
Mon Oct  3 08:15:12 2016 [13914][-none-][FATAL] FAILED LOGIN:attempts[1] - admin
Mon Oct  3 14:09:09 2016 [29256][-none-][FATAL] SECURITY: User authentication for admin failed
Mon Oct  3 14:09:09 2016 [29256][-none-][FATAL] FAILED LOGIN:attempts[1] - admin

have you tried logging out then back in and doing it?
clearing cache?
is it only your user or have other users have the same issue?

Could you try using one of the template sections with the picture slot to see if you could put it in that? or is it only the text sections?

Yes, i tried logging out and back in, also with another user.
Clear cache doesn’t help either.

i don’t know where i can find another image upload buttion.

Weird problem.