I don’t understand how to work effectively with timebased conditions in Workflow.
In contacts, I’ve added a custom dropdown field which determines the moment I must call back a contact (in 1 week/in 1 month/etc…).
I want to receive an email when this field is modified, accordingly to the corresponding field
Here is my workflow for a reminder 2 weeks after the moment I modify the field:
- WorkFlow Module : Contacts
- Run : always
- Run On : All Records
Condition 1 :
Module | Field | Operator | Type | Value
Contacts | Date modified | Less than or equal to | Date | Now | - 2 weeks
Condition 2 :
Module | Field |Operator | Type | Value
Contacts | [customDropfield] | equal to |Value | [custom : call in 2 weeks]
Action : send mail etc…
My cronjob is working, schedulers too, but it doesn’t work, any ideas how to deal with that ?
Again, sorry for my english, I’m french !
Thanks in advance,