WorkFlow Setting - Action Panel

Dear All,

I’ve trouble in setup workflow. The field of module selected is not turn up under Action->Field dropdown.

Appreciated your help, thanks.

Did you already Save and Deploy, and then “Quick Repair and Rebuild”?

Tried few times Save and Deploy and Quick Repair and Rebuild. The object Fields finally is showing finally, thanks.

Dear pgr,

The field is turn on under Action section and workflow record is being saved. There is another issue raised when i tried to updated the workflow record again, the field under Action section is disappear again. I’ve tried “Quick Repair and Rebuild” but still encounter same issue. Any idea to resolved this? is it bug?

I don’t know…

Maybe you can try reproducing this on the live demo, use this one (has admin access):

That way you can tell if the problem is only in your system, or if it is a bug.