

I work on Version 7.1.1
My new question is: when I create a case with start date(15/06/2014 02:00pm) and end date(16/06/2014 05:00pm), the meeting that is created with my active workflow has start date 15/06/2014 02:00pm and end date 15/06/2014 02:00pm. The action in workflow is: Start date - Field - Event starts; End Date - Field - Event Ends. And also meeting isn’t in the calendar. How can I solve this problem?

I did the same with tasks and everything is OK, they are in the calendar, with correct start date and due date.


Hi Kate,

Can you provide a screen shot of your workflow(in the edit view) so that I can replicate and test?



Hi again,
Maybe I was not precise enough at my last post. Actually we have a Custom Module built with the module builder based on “Issue” module template where among the others we have defined two entries “Event starts” and “Event ends” (you can see it on the screenshot). The custom module itself works well.
Our goal is to establish a workflow that will create a Meeting when we create a new record with our custom module. You can see in the screenshot how our workflow setup looks at the moment.
You can see that we have associated “Start date” to receive the value from the “Event starts” field from our custom module and “End date” to receive a value from the “Event ends” field.
With this workflow setup the meeting is created but there is a problem with the date fields.
After the meeting creation both “Start date” and “End date” are receiving same value that is equal to “Event starts” date.
Also the meeting is not shown in any of the calendars, even in the calendar of the person that the meeting is assigned too.
If we follow some logic maybe it is because workflow meeting creation is somehow different than the standard meeting creation from the core Meeting module.
Our assumption is that when you create a meeting over the workflow it is missing Invitees. We tried to find a way how to add Invitees by using workflow but it seems such an option does not exist.


Hi, I’m still waiting for some answers… Any suggestions?