Hello All,
Running 7.2.3 on an upgrade from SugarCRM 6.5.x
I am setting up a WorkFlow to add contacts to a Target List following these instructions: https://suitecrm.com/wiki/index.php/Userguides#Customers_to_Target_List
(BTW, this seems to be missing field information in the Actions step)
Name: Add to Target List
WorkFlow Module: Contacts
Status: Active
Run On: Modified Records
Module = Contacts, Field = Contact Tags, Operator = Equal To, Type = One of, Value = My Value
Select Action = Modify Record
Record Type = Contacts: Contacts
Add Relationship = Target Lists : Prospect List
Value = My Target List
I modified a Contact to change Contact Tag to “My Value”
In the WorkFlow Add to Target List I can see the modified Contact in the Process Audit list with the status ‘Complete’.
However the Contact is not added to the TargetList.
Hopefully someone can see the error of my ways…
Thanks in advance.