In SuiteCRM 7.2.1, generating an email template using the string
does not actually put the lineitems table into the email.
Using other strings such as:
Part Name:
List Price:
Unit Price:
…will occasionally populate with either the first or the last item, but not the whole set, and even this is unpredictable. This is whether Groups are used (Quote groups that is) or not.
I would expect, or at least like, to see this table being inserted into the email by use of the $aos_quotes_line_items string (although formatted as it is on the Quote module, not as it shows here thanks to BBEdit):
Group Name: Parts for something he needs
Service List Discount Sale Price Tax Tax Amount Total
1 logitech mouse p/n 1234567 $50.00 $10.00 $40.00 0% $0.00 $40.00
2 bluetooth toothbrush (blue) p/n 12324238 $80.00 - $80.00 0% $0.00 $80.00
3 another part, #123456 $120.00 - $120.00 0% $0.00 $120.00
Total: $250.00
Discount: $-10.00
Subtotal: $240.00
Tax: $0.00
Grand Total: $240.00
How do we fix? Alternately, how do we use Workflows to email a quote?
David Szego