I use SuiteCRM 7.3.1 and when I use workflow send email options, have a list of email templates near “create edit” link.
This list contain email templates of workflow, email and campaign without a order .
It´s very confused.
I think in this list should be only email templates of workflow and a order (ex:alfa).
This is a BUG?
I sugest alter file modules/AOW_Actions/actions/actionSendEmail.php at line 41
$email_templates_arr = get_bean_select_array(true, ‘EmailTemplate’,‘name’);
$email_templates_arr = get_bean_select_array(true, ‘EmailTemplate’,‘name’," type=‘workflow’ ",‘name’);
I not understand why, but after save template column type change to NULL value.
well in this case I aplly this line an resolve my problem
$email_templates_arr = get_bean_select_array(true, ‘EmailTemplate’,‘name’," type=‘workflow’ OR type=’’ OR type IS NULL ",‘name’);