During systems check acceptance in the installation I am stuck here…
I forced ALL the possible permissions on c:\xampp and subfolders, same on c:\tmp ( upload directory folder ), no way to pass the check
for xampp folder in Propsrties / secutiry all is reported " full control " for all the users, same for c:\tmp
Still a simple Properties for xampp folder shows “read only”, change and apply for all files and subfolder, no way, no changes
Logged in as Administrator, do not know what else to do
DId a SuiteCRM installation in another win7 machine with IIS, all worked ( with the proper change of permissiones)
Here XAMPP, APACHE, MySQL and FIlezilla started
thx in advance for any help
Created “upload” folder under the suitecrm folder, all set.
it’s so much easier than I can read here …
Why do you use XAMPP? Use a separate WAMP stack and you can install applications as much as you want and you dont have to config amy permissions.
Extra Temp directory is not necessary. Load it from Bitnami. Win7 with Ils is not a good choise.
What do you want to do with Filezilla? Your files’re already local.
You load all in a created Folder “suitecrm” in Apache2/htdocs/suitecrm directory, fire up MySQL and creating a blank database - suitecrm - and everything else runs by itself. The Port`s are preset, simply accept without modification.
Thanks for the reply, totally agree, unfortunately I had to live with a preset environment , a clean installation on my personal PC went smoothly as is should, but here I hade to live with what the customer presented me…
This has been solved adding the “upload” folder under the suitecrm folder, I took the suggestion from a similar port on linux and it worked
After the install I run into another issue as the suiteCRM screen are messed up in a mix of Warning messages and unformatted dashlets… I posted some screenshot in another thread
Thank you for the comments on this, hope I can find a solution for the messed-up screens