Which Version of PHP for 7.7.x ??

I can’t find mention anywhere of which version of PHP I should be using to build the latest SuiteCRM v7.7.x. As I see it’s based on SugarCRM CE v6.5.24, and it appears that this version of the app seems to require PHP 5.3.x, is it safe to assume that SuiteCRM v7.7 also requires us to use PHP 5.3.x ?


We do require PHP 5.3.x or above.

Thanks for that! Can you point out to me where this detail is included in the Installation instructions? I’m also interested in determining what environment switch values my PHP 5.3 installation needs to be built with.

You gave the advice “PHP 5.3 or above”. I’ve had trouble in the past running installations of both SugarCRM CE v6.5x & SuiteCRM 6 & 7 with this “or above” advice. It seems to me that both SugarCRM and SuiteCRM are broken when installed with any PHP above 5.3. I see people reporting various odd issues here that appear to me to be related to them running SuiteCRM with PHP versions north of 5.3. In the past, I’ve eliminated all of my SugarSuiteCRM issues by rebuilding a new installation using the last/latest PHP 5.3… 5.3.29… that change banged out all my remaining bugs.

In my experience, SugarSuiteCRM requires PHP 5.3… not “or above”.

One of the primary signs I’ve experienced of incompatible PHP versions is in the behavior of the Studio module. When I run installations with PHP versions north of 5.3, edits I perform in the Studio module don’t stick… they appear fine while I remain in the Studio gui… but when I exit back up to whatever screen view I just completed editing… the changes are not reflected… they didn’t happen. When I attempt the same Studio editing routine using SugarSuiteCRM environments built using PHP 5.3, this problem disappears and all Studio edits are quickly/properly reflected back at the top layers of the app.

Though it may not seem too sexy running such a kool looking app using the obsolete PHP5.3… if you want things to WORK here… this is the only way to go.


I can only confirm this. Our Suite also runs correctly with PHP 3.5.29. We come from originally SugarCRM 5.5 up to now suitecrm 7.7.
With php 5.3.29 there are no undefined fields, no issues in Themes,
Ajax and all applications run smoothly - even the new spots module.

I’m using PHP 5.3.29 with FastCGI
memory_limit 512M
post_max_size 256M
upload_max_filesize 256M on Plesk.

A complete reinstall with PHP 5.5 and higher functioning properly, but once old components are contained in the old instance, Modules are not compatible, the version 3.5.29 proven.

Here could only help a migration to a new installation with PHP 5.5 and higher, for that, but I am still too lazy for now, and I would have to create all custom modules again to eliminate the problem. A pasting the Custom Folders, or a import from old Instance would not change that issue.

I’m running current version of SuiteCRM on PHP 7. I only use Leads and Accounts and the basic functions related to them… adding, updating, etc. I’ve not tried any Studio functions or anything other than simple user procedures and so far I’ve had no problems.