Hi there,
can anyone tell me where the recently viewed data is stored?
My recently viewed is a bit hit and miss, it’s got some items that I’ve recently viewed, as in today, but another that I viewed days ago that’s still in the list, and the last record I viewed is nowhere in sight.
I’m wondering if mine is somehow corrupt and if I can clear it and start again.
The recently viewed data is stored in the tracker table.
Brill, thanks. I emptied the tracker table and recently viewed seems to be working properly again now.
Appears I spoke too soon. My recently viewed seems to have got completely stuck, it doesn’t seem to be changing at all when clicking through various records. The tracker table has 173 items in it, it seems to work for a bit after clearing the table and then goes again.
Hi there,
I’m still having problems with this. After emptying the tracker table the recently viewed shows some records for a while, however another problem with it is it shows the same recently viewed items for all users, so user A will see an item in the recently viewed that was viewed by user B. Any ideas what might have happened here?
Have you checked your logs to try to understand if anything is wrong?