Where is a list of possible array elements?

I just want to know a list of possible array elements/attributes/whatever they are called.

For example, I’ve seen these:

array (
'name' => 'some_dropdown',
'studio' => 'visible',
'label' => 'LBL_MY_LABEL',
'customCode' => '',
'customCodeRenderField' =>,

I know what customCode means, but what does customCodeRenderField do? Where can I look up all the possible elements to edit a particular field within editviewdefs and detailviewdefs?


customCodeRenderField - is something new. It is not in SuiteCRM core coding.
It seems it is due to customization for some other purpose.

You can find attributes from SugarCRM CE developer guide.

It is also interesting to prepare a list of attributes and post it on community forum or in any blog.

I would appreciate help from the community on finding out some definitions for some of these.

Here is a list of possible arrays that I have pulled from the Sugar Developer Guide and from other sources as well, I can keep this list updated as I find more.

Main List1. name : The name of the field

  1. vname : The language pack ID for the label of this field
  2. type : The type of the attribute
  3. assigned_user_name : A linked user name
  4. bool : A boolean value
  5. char : A character array
  6. date : A date value with no time
  7. datetime : A date and time
  8. email : An email address field
  9. enum : An enumeration (dropdown list from the language pack)
  10. id : A database GUID
  11. image : A photo-type field
  12. link : A link through an explicit relationship
  13. name : A non-db field type that concatenates other field values
  14. phone : A phone number field to utilize with callto:// links
  15. relate : Related bean
  16. team_list : A team-based ID
  17. text : A text area field
  18. url : A hyperlinked field on the detailview
  19. varchar : A variable-sized string
  20. table : The database table the field comes from. This is only used when needing to joing fields from another table outside of the module in focus.
  21. isnull : Whether the field can contain a null value
  22. len : The length of the field (number of characters if a string)
  23. options : The name of the enumeration (dropdown list) in the language pack for the field
  24. dbtype : The database type of the field (if different than the type)
  25. reportable : Determines whether the field will be available in the Reports and Workflow modules (for commercial editions)
  26. default : The default value for this field
  27. massupdate : Set to false if you do not want this field to show up in the mass update panel at the bottom of a module list view. Some field types are restricted from mass update regardless of this setting.
  28. rname : (for relate-type fields only) The field from the related variable that has the text
  29. id_name : (for relate-type fields only) The field from the bean that stores the ID for the related bean
  30. source : Set to ‘non-db’ if the field value does not come from the database. This can be used for calculated values or values retrieved in some other way.
  31. sort_on : The field to sort by if multiple fields are used in the presentation of field’s information.
  32. fields : (for concatenated values only) An array containing the fields that are concatenated
  33. db_concat_fields : (for concatenated values only) An array containing the fields to concatenate in the database
  34. unified_search : Set to true if this field should be searched through Global Search. Has no effect if the dictionary array setting ‘unified_search’ is not set to true.
  35. enable_range_search : (for date, datetime, and numeric fields only) Set to true if this field should support range searches in the Basic and Advanced Search layouts of the module.
  36. dependency : Allows a field to have a predefined formula to control the field’s visibility
  37. studio :Controls the visibility of the field in the Studio editor. If set to false, then the field will not appear in any studio screens for the module. Otherwise, you may specify an Array of view keys for which the field’s visibility should be removed from (ex: array(‘listview’=>false) will hide the field in the listview layout screen).
    Additions with my personal definitions:

[li]customCode: Allows you to overwrite a field with your own HTML and javascript. What I have discovered is that this field doesn’t seem to append to the existing HTML, it completely overwrites the field with whatever you put in here.
[li]tabindex: same as tabindex in html

Options I have seen but don’t know what they do AND/OR simply may not work in sugar 6.5:

[li]merge_filter: was used on a text field in the following manner: ‘merge_filter’ => ‘enabled’
[li]customCodeRenderField: Unsure of the purpose, doesn’t seem usable in Sugar 6.5, must be for 6.7 or above. Default values ranged from 0,1, and true/false

I will add to this as I discover and learn more.