Where are the setting sstored for the Dashlets on the Home Page


When a User customises the Home page where is the data stored?
is it kept in a table in the database - if yes - which one?

If not where?


It’s stored in the user_preferences table in the database where category = ‘Home’.

Specifically it’s stored in the contents field php serialized and base 64 encoded.



Related to this topic…I am creating a custom dashlet and would like to utilize user preferences. I cannot find any information or examples on how to install my preferences. I see in the ~custom/modules/Home/index.php file, there are a list of user preferences related to other custom dashlets on my system. I think I could modify this file and put my dashlet and preference in the same format and get it to work but I have concerns about those changes getting wiped out on an upgrade.
I have looked at the installdef and manifest.php but I haven’t seen any examples of setting up user_preferences.
Any help would be appreciated.

Running SuiteCRM 7.1.4