Any ideas, was simply trying to related a new call entry to the same company as the call that triggered the workflow. Any and all help is appreciated.
post your workflow here, so we can know what are you doing
best regards
here is the workflow
that’s just the action, please post the conditions and other parameters. The conditions are important because this looks like a loop, and stops at 100 entries.
best regards
Also, a snippet of what is happening on the backend, Reminders table
Heres the condition
What’s the default value of the field you are checking? If it’s set to on, then I guess that you get into an infinite loop.
Well, I’m wanting it to pull the relationship of the call that triggers the workflow, so if someone creates a call and checks the “Follow Up” box, it will create a new call. I want the new call to be related to the same entity as the old call. So if the old call is related to company A, I want the followup to be related to company A as well, if that makes sense.
Wouldn’t that create additional calls instead of just additional reminders? There were no additional calls created. The only thing I noticed on the database was that it kept creating reminders. Also, by default that field is unchecked.
Change RUN => Only On Save.
So I tried changing run- to only on save. Here is my current settings, and what is happening when the conditions are met:
Any idea with this at all would be great. All I want is for the new record to show up on the same company as the old record.
So I tried changing run- to only on save. Here is my current settings, and what is happening when the conditions are met:
Any idea with this at all would be great. All I want is for the new record to show up on the same company as the old record.
So I tried changing run- to only on save. Here is my current settings, and what is happening when the conditions are met:
Any idea with this at all would be great. All I want is for the new record to show up on the same company as the old record.
Can you check in Admin->Studio->Calls->Fields the default value of the field corresponding to the label “Follow Up Required?”.
I think that, if the default value of that field is set to on/true/set/selected then you will generate an infinite loop with this workflow.
This is what could happen:
- Someone edts a call and sets that field to true
- The workflow triggers and creates a new call
- Since the default value is true, the workflow triggers on the new record and generates a new call
- Since the default value is true, the workflow triggers on the new record and generates a new call
- Since the default value is true, the workflow triggers on the new record and generates a new call
6 Since the default value is true, the workflow triggers on the new record and generates a new call - Since the default value is true, the workflow triggers on the new record and generates a new call
- Since the default value is true, the workflow triggers on the new record and generates a new call
… etc
Maybe the reason is different, but I recommend that you check the field default value
I see what you are saying. Checked it out. Is set to off by defualt. Also, it appears to be creating multiple reminders, but not multiple calls. So for some reason, 1 call, over 150+ reminders. Any idea where to go from here?
I know this is 8 months late, but I found when using a checkbox in a workflow, create condition if ticked, create action(Task with checkbox unticked value in the workflow trigger field), create another action to untick the original box checkbox which triggers this workflow
This keeps it running once only.
Hope this is does the trick