Web To Lead Screening (captcha)

Does anyone have any suggestions relating to implementing some sort of web to lead form screening process via captcha or some other means. The spam leads are relatively easy to clean up in SuiteCRM but the notification emails are a problem. Has anyone added captcha (google or other) to a lead form on there website? Alternatively, is there a way to set a filter for the notification emails that SuiteCRM sends?

A web to lead form is just a HTML form, so you should be able to add something like google’s captcha form and implement it with the web to lead form.



Hi Will,

Coudl you please explain the process in SuiteCRM i tried everything but WEB TO LEAD FORM doesnt work for me. i could not find any way to generate the HTML for the lead form.

Please give me little kdetail.

Hi there,

Under the ‘Campaigns’ menu item there is a ‘Create Lead Form’ option.

Follow the processes and you will be provided with HTML to add to your website.

See example documentation for more information.

