web to lead form

how can i create web to lead from in suitecrm?

Hi there,

There is a menu option when you hover over ‘Campaigns’(click on campaigns in menu, then hover when it is highlighted) which will say ‘Create Lead Form’ or similar.



thanks for ur reply but still i am not able to connect you. please elaborate as not sucg things happening at first sight

Hi arpit,

  1. You have to send all the fileds value from your web form . and redirect to
  <ur url> /index.php?entryPoint=WebToLeadCapture

this file you will find in the root folder.

but for cross connection you need to pass the authtication.

Add this two line above webtoLeadCapture.php

header('Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *');
header('Access-Control-Allow-Methods: POST, GET, OPTIONS'); 

Now what actually happening if you want to check, then you have to follow this file,

module/campagins/ files are there only you need to check.

I think i already gave you much info.
