Warnings after Upgrade to 7.11.21 : Class Google_Service and more not found

Potentially the vendor folder is not updating correctly. A user had a similar problem, they resolved it by removing the problem folder from vendor and doing composer install/update again.


If the above still doesnā€™t work. I can only offer you a potential patch in this PR.

Of course, this isnā€™t in production yet so if you try it we recommend to take a backup of your folder structure. Tell us which one helps.

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I ran the Composer Install as above in the google/apiclient-services folder and it updated dependencies. The errors in php log have gone away although I now have some odd cron failures I need to t-shoot.

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I still have all thoses warning after 7.11.22 ā€¦ just updated this morning.

Does someone have the same case ?

@holdusback Have you had a wee look at this issue on the Google Services repo. Warnings after Upgrade to 7.11.21 : Class Google_Service and more not found - #4 by samus-aran

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+1 for me and my home screen dashboard wonā€™t load either.

I have upgraded from




and now have got similar problem, is there anyone can help?

Having these issues too with tons of warning/log entries of ā€œGoogle XYZ servicesā€ in the log file which are being logged almost every second; just jumping on the train to follow the thread.

[09-May-2022 17:13:20 Europe/London] PHP Warning:  Class 'Google_Service' not found in /public_html/vendor/google/apiclient-services/autoload.php on line 21
[09-May-2022 17:13:20 Europe/London] PHP Warning:  Class 'Google_Service_Resource' not found in /public_html/vendor/google/apiclient-services/autoload.php on line 21
[09-May-2022 17:13:20 Europe/London] PHP Warning:  Class 'Google_Model' not found in /public_html/vendor/google/apiclient-services/autoload.php on line 21
[09-May-2022 17:13:20 Europe/London] PHP Warning:  Class 'Google_Collection' not found in /public_html/vendor/google/apiclient-services/autoload.php on line 21
[09-May-2022 17:13:58 Europe/London] PHP Warning:  Class 'Google_Service' not found in /public_html/vendor/google/apiclient-services/autoload.php on line 21
[09-May-2022 17:13:58 Europe/London] PHP Warning:  Class 'Google_Service_Resource' not found in /public_html/vendor/google/apiclient-services/autoload.php on line 21
[09-May-2022 17:13:58 Europe/London] PHP Warning:  Class 'Google_Model' not found in /public_html/vendor/google/apiclient-services/autoload.php on line 21
[09-May-2022 17:13:58 Europe/London] PHP Warning:  Class 'Google_Collection' not found in /public_html/vendor/google/apiclient-services/autoload.php on line 21
[09-May-2022 17:14:34 Europe/London] PHP Warning:  Class 'Google_Service' not found in /public_html/vendor/google/apiclient-services/autoload.php on line 21
[09-May-2022 17:14:34 Europe/London] PHP Warning:  Class 'Google_Service_Resource' not found in /public_html/vendor/google/apiclient-services/autoload.php on line 21
[09-May-2022 17:14:34 Europe/London] PHP Warning:  Class 'Google_Model' not found in /public_html/vendor/google/apiclient-services/autoload.php on line 21
[09-May-2022 17:14:34 Europe/London] PHP Warning:  Class 'Google_Collection' not found in /public_html/vendor/google/apiclient-services/autoload.php on line 21
[09-May-2022 17:14:58 Europe/London] PHP Warning:  Class 'Google_Service' not found in /public_html/vendor/google/apiclient-services/autoload.php on line 21
[09-May-2022 17:14:58 Europe/London] PHP Warning:  Class 'Google_Service_Resource' not found in /public_html/vendor/google/apiclient-services/autoload.php on line 21
[09-May-2022 17:14:58 Europe/London] PHP Warning:  Class 'Google_Model' not found in /public_html/vendor/google/apiclient-services/autoload.php on line 21
[09-May-2022 17:14:58 Europe/London] PHP Warning:  Class 'Google_Collection' not found in /public_html/vendor/google/apiclient-services/autoload.php on line 21
[09-May-2022 17:15:20 Europe/London] PHP Warning:  Class 'Google_Service' not found in /public_html/vendor/google/apiclient-services/autoload.php on line 21
[09-May-2022 17:15:20 Europe/London] PHP Warning:  Class 'Google_Service_Resource' not found in /public_html/vendor/google/apiclient-services/autoload.php on line 21
[09-May-2022 17:15:20 Europe/London] PHP Warning:  Class 'Google_Model' not found in /public_html/vendor/google/apiclient-services/autoload.php on line 21
[09-May-2022 17:15:20 Europe/London] PHP Warning:  Class 'Google_Collection' not found in /public_html/vendor/google/apiclient-services/autoload.php on line 21
[09-May-2022 17:15:58 Europe/London] PHP Warning:  Class 'Google_Service' not found in /public_html/vendor/google/apiclient-services/autoload.php on line 21
[09-May-2022 17:15:58 Europe/London] PHP Warning:  Class 'Google_Service_Resource' not found in /public_html/vendor/google/apiclient-services/autoload.php on line 21
[09-May-2022 17:15:58 Europe/London] PHP Warning:  Class 'Google_Model' not found in /public_html/vendor/google/apiclient-services/autoload.php on line 21
[09-May-2022 17:15:58 Europe/London] PHP Warning:  Class 'Google_Collection' not found in /public_html/vendor/google/apiclient-services/autoload.php on line 21
[09-May-2022 17:16:58 Europe/London] PHP Warning:  Class 'Google_Service' not found in /public_html/vendor/google/apiclient-services/autoload.php on line 21
[09-May-2022 17:16:58 Europe/London] PHP Warning:  Class 'Google_Service_Resource' not found in /public_html/vendor/google/apiclient-services/autoload.php on line 21
[09-May-2022 17:16:58 Europe/London] PHP Warning:  Class 'Google_Model' not found in /public_html/vendor/google/apiclient-services/autoload.php on line 21
[09-May-2022 17:16:58 Europe/London] PHP Warning:  Class 'Google_Collection' not found in /public_html/vendor/google/apiclient-services/autoload.php on line 21
[09-May-2022 17:17:20 Europe/London] PHP Warning:  Class 'Google_Service' not found in /public_html/vendor/google/apiclient-services/autoload.php on line 21
[09-May-2022 17:17:20 Europe/London] PHP Warning:  Class 'Google_Service_Resource' not found in /public_html/vendor/google/apiclient-services/autoload.php on line 21
[09-May-2022 17:17:20 Europe/London] PHP Warning:  Class 'Google_Model' not found in /public_html/vendor/google/apiclient-services/autoload.php on line 21
[09-May-2022 17:17:20 Europe/London] PHP Warning:  Class 'Google_Collection' not found in /public_html/vendor/google/apiclient-services/autoload.php on line 21
[09-May-2022 17:22:12 Europe/London] PHP Warning:  Class 'Google_Service' not found in /public_html/vendor/google/apiclient-services/autoload.php on line 21
[09-May-2022 17:22:12 Europe/London] PHP Warning:  Class 'Google_Service_Resource' not found in /public_html/vendor/google/apiclient-services/autoload.php on line 21
[09-May-2022 17:22:12 Europe/London] PHP Warning:  Class 'Google_Model' not found in /public_html/vendor/google/apiclient-services/autoload.php on line 21
[09-May-2022 17:22:12 Europe/London] PHP Warning:  Class 'Google_Collection' not found in /public_html/vendor/google/apiclient-services/autoload.php on line 21
[10-May-2022 07:28:37 Europe/London] PHP Warning:  Class 'Google_Service' not found in /public_html/vendor/google/apiclient-services/autoload.php on line 21
[10-May-2022 07:28:37 Europe/London] PHP Warning:  Class 'Google_Service_Resource' not found in /public_html/vendor/google/apiclient-services/autoload.php on line 21
[10-May-2022 07:28:37 Europe/London] PHP Warning:  Class 'Google_Model' not found in /public_html/vendor/google/apiclient-services/autoload.php on line 21
[10-May-2022 07:28:37 Europe/London] PHP Warning:  Class 'Google_Collection' not found in /public_html/vendor/google/apiclient-services/autoload.php on line 21

Looks like you maybe on an older version that doesnā€™t have the patch to update the class references ā€œclass\classā€ etc.

I believe you can remove the vendor folder and re-install composer from the SuiteCRM root so that the classes are pulled down again and the namespaces are correctly referenced.

Let us know how you get on?

Not really:

Since 8.0. is still buggy and not production stable weā€™re still on the latest version before version 8.0.

@PowerQuest Well thatā€™s good heh.

Have a look at this closed issue which highlights that you may need to delete your vendor folder and re-install like I mentioned earlier.

So just delete the folder and then re-upload a fresh file copy of that directory to server?

Ensure the SuiteCRM version is AFTER 7.11.21

I would recommend you delete the vendor folder and run the following command via the root of your SuiteCRM directory

composer install --no-dev

This should recreate the vendor folder


Thanks for the tip and help. Iā€™ll take a look at it and test it out.

We can confirm that this solves the issue with the error_log is spammed with errors about Google services almost every secondā€¦ :white_check_mark:

After we applied the suggested solution the error_log is silent. Not one single entry which is awesome.

Thank you @samus-aran for pointing us in the right direction. :facepunch:

Kind regards

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Cool. Iā€™ll have to try that to. I tried updating the folder but not deleting and reinstalling. Did that solve the 500 error on Google Calendar Auth too?

Honestly I forgot to try it.
Iā€™ll check if it will workā€¦ @pstevens

Kind regards

Well I be dammed! :joy:
It worked @pstevens
Awesome sauce.


Thanks again!
Kind regards

Awesome! Iā€™m going to fix mine later today then. Should have tried deleting and re-creating the folder.

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Ha ha! I can report it fixed my problem too and the Google Auth 500 error I was having.