v7.10 email addresses duplicating in list view

Thanks for reporting, both these issues are being looked into, hopefully will be fixed in 7.10.1.

After the update to 7.10 I get:

Error: File [modules/EmailAddresses/metadata/detailviewdefs.php] is missing. Unable to create because no corresponding HTML file was found.

I’m ready for 7.10.1.

Yes, I’ve seen this earlier today, we definitely need it fixed in 7.10.1…

Hi, sorry to see this issue!

I believe that the duplicated email address should be fixed, and will be in the next release 7.10.1.

Thanks for raising the issue.

This is still an issue in 7.10.1


Im sorry to hear that, we did create a fix and were looking to ensure that it was a stable solution. We will double check this and work on resolving the issue.

Thanks again.

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Sorry for the delay, I am just making a PR to fix the issue :slight_smile:

I can supply the link to it if you would like?

Thanks again for raising this issue.


Both the duplicated emails and the base implementation issue should be resolved :slight_smile:

Please keep us up to date on if this is the case or if you have any other issues.

Thanks again.

Kind regards,

I am currently running 7.10.2 and under Contact List View are seeing the double email like shown in above post. It is only happening in Contact ListView not in lead listview.

Any fix to this?

Hi @drivevertical

I just had a look into this and it seems to be okay for me.

Just to double check, is this from a fresh install or did you upgrade to this?

If it has been an upgrade, have the repair and rebuilds been carried out? By this I mean The Quick repair and rebuild, Rebuild the js files etc?

Thanks again.

I did several upgrades from 7.9 clean install to 7.10.2. I ran all the repairs and re-checked permissions but still same problem under Contract List view showing emails twice. Running PHP 7.1 and every other list view is working correct.


I’m running 7.10.4 have done repair/rebuilds etc - I’m still having the same issue… one hyperlink display and then a text display after it.

Any idea when this will be fixed?


This bug appeared after upgrade to 7.10.4.
The link has got an additional tag /a in the tail.

<a href="mailto:an@mail.org">an@mail.org</a>an@mail.org</a>

I solved this problem by editing the file custom/modules/Accounts/metadata/listviewdefs.php
‘customCode’ => ‘{$EMAIL1_LINK}{$EMAIL1}’,
‘customCode’ => ‘{$EMAIL1_LINK}’,

In addition, you can delete this file.

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This is still happening with the newest version 7.10.10.

Well, if there’s a fix, it needs to be merged into the code…

Does anybody know if there is a GitHub issue for this already?

Still present in 7.11.4

As I see it, the file custom/modules/Accounts/metadata/listviewdefs.php is missing in the full installation of SuiteCRM 7.11.4.

I think you can just delete this file.This file contains your individual settings for accounts view.

Ah, I see. So I will have to go through all the customizations and look for any more oops.

When you upgrade, SuiteCRM notifies you if there are customized files that will override new files that come with the upgrade.

You can go in upgradeWizard.log and you will see the messages that were shown on screen during the upgrade.

From what @feser writes above, I suspect that perhaps you guys have that custom file in your installation and so are missing out on some fix in the core file.

There’s no way SuiteCRM can handle these situations except to warn sysadmins to manually check the updates on each file, and either delete the custom file or merge the changes from the two…