Using import wizard for products multiple prices with 100


I am suffering this problem when I try to import a csv file from sugarcrm:

Is there any solution for this bug?

I can’t find any solution for this problem


Set the 1000s separator and decimal symbol in the import file properties

I tried that and it does not work

Finally I found out the solution following these steps:

1- Set the thousands separator to blank regional settings for the user you are going to use to export the data. You have to do this step in the data source , in this case was sugarcrm

2- Set the thousands separator to blank regional settings for the user you are going to use to import the data. You have to do this step in the data destiny , in this case was suitecrm

3- Set the thounsands separator to blank in the import file advance properties

4- After import, you can restore the thousands separator in the user regional settings
