User adoption feedback - Mike


I have come back to SuiteCRM to see how well it has developed since SugarCRM.

Overall pretty good

But it needs to be better in some specific areas based on all my years around CRM since contact management days. For example, I keep it simple when using or pitching these solutions. I ask clients how do you wish to :

  1. Input
  2. Search
  3. Report

A CRM after-all is as good as its data.

SuiteCRM still needs work around bringing in data beginning with emails through to simple data input ease-of use.

As for today’s post, there is now hundreds of data points in my SuiteCRM and I cannot find a lead that I know is there.

I have yet to review the 3rd element or reporting until someone can correct me about wild card use or how to properly search for something in SuiteCRM.



Thanks Mike for your feedback. For email input, have you tried the outlook or thunderbird plugin? What sort of functionality are you looking for?

For the searching are you using % as your wildcard? There is a setting you can add to config_override.php: ‘search_wildcard_infront’ => true,’ to always have the wildcard at the start of the search string by default. The system will add it at the end automatically.

Thanks Dale

Yes, I use Thunderbird. I presume you are referring to Opacus and yes. However it failed for me on Windows 8.1, specifically couldn’t get it to authenticate with a second admin user. So far nothing back on community or email. And it may be host and suitecrm issue as well, for what I have researched to date.

Also tried Social Lead from Urdhva Tech with 50/50 results. The 50% that didn’t work saw the Linkedin lead create, but when I go back to Suitecrm i get logged out

And I am also trying options to simply get email/gmail directly into Suitecrm altogether and then manage internally from there. So far this is 50/50 as well.

So I expect to do more tinkering to make any of the three options above work if and when I have time.

Meantime I put this in feedback for now rather than support. Basically if Suitecrm wishes to compete more often with the big boys (Salesforce, MS, Oracle, etc) then # 1 ‘easier input’ needs to become seamless or less tinkering.

As for searching, of course I was trying % and nothing. Quite frustrating when looking to call clients.

So I will look at settings, which I presume means a visit to host (siteground), cpanel, file manager, etc.

But this is the point re: feedback - this should be # 2 out of the box for SuiteCRM after # 1 easier input from all sources. Feedback is meant to serve and help grow Suitecrm success.