Uploading bundled files in ZIP format


How can I get the image field to accept ZIP file format? I’m getting the error :

File(s) Field : Not a valid image format.

The image field is designed for uploading single image. Sometimes I have several images to upload so I bundled them all in as one ZIP file.



You will probably have to upload them as Documents (Documents Module). At the moment you seem to be using the field type Image, which only accepts Images.

Yes that’s what I’ve been doing thus far however it would be nice to upload files to certain panel where it makes sense rather uploading all under the Documents subpanel.

I have tried editing the .htaccess file but am not having much luck.

I’m not sure if the problem was:

  1. with the image type as defined by the database
  2. or SuiteCRM was programmed to accept certain file extensions for the image field?

Adding new field in Studio, the data type are limited in option as there are no field available to hold the file (e.g. ZIP). I remember in MySQL, there’s a BLOB type that we can use to contain file including ZIP.

Is there a safe way to add this field type to SuiteCRM or will it be necessary to do a pull request?