Upload images for use in templates


I want to insert an image (example - logofile.jpg) to be used in some of the templates.

I could not find a file upload function.

Our site is on AWS.

Would appreciate any pointers.


This should be straight-froward.

What is your SuiteCRM version?

Which editor do you have selected in the user profile? TinyMCE, Mozaik, …?

Can you share a screenshot of what you see in the template editor?

Hello Pgr

What is your SuiteCRM version? Version 7.10.10

Which editor do you have selected in the user profile? TinyMCE, Mozaik, …? Mozaik

Can you share a screenshot of what you see in the template editor? https://prnt.sc/nq3940

If you can try an upgrade to the latest 7.10.x, that might help. It will bring over some updates to 3rd party dependencies like Mozaik.

You can also try more Repairs from Admin / Repairs (anything Javascript related)

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