Upgrade wizard fails from 7.2.0 to 7.2.2

Yesterday i tried to upgrade from 7.2.0 to 7.2.2. Via the upgrade wizard. Downloaded the upgrade packages, started the test (all success) choose the upgrade file, uploaded it but after that i got a black screen!
No errors. It got worse. After some repairs via the admin site the upgrade wizard site from my SuiteCRM program still is blanc. Put in the .htacces all errors on to display. But no errors show up.

Anyone any clue how to resolve this?

Thanx in advance.


You’ll need to give us more details of your environment.

Ensure permissions are correct post upgrade.

Check your sugarcrm.log and php error.log.



Hello Will
I use a MariaDB with MySQL 5.5.40
PHP 5.5
Apache 2.4 on a shared hosting platform (www.pcextreme.nl).

My Sugarcrmlog is clean. The php error log i cannot find on my hosting platform (do you know in which folder i can find it?)
In the suitecrm.log i only see these lines:

Tue May 26 22:28:10 2015 [7976][1][FATAL] reports_to_link for user_direct_reports failed to load

Thu May 28 20:46:47 2015 [32444][1][FATAL] reports_to_link for user_direct_reports failed to load

On my Upgradewizard.log i cannot see any strange things. See attachment. In the Upload/upgrade folder i still can see the upgrade files. Do you think that may be the cause of my blanc screen at this moment?

Thanks in advance.


Just deleted the folder Patch in the Upload/Upgrades/ folder. After that a reload of the “Upgrade Wizard page” showed the wizard again! But only in step two after the system check. Now i have got the possibility to add the upgrade files again. But it should give me the same result of a blanc page without fixing the problem first.

So how can i reset the wizard to step 1 and of course fix the problem of the blanc page? Can anyone help?



Also tried to launch via SSH on my hosting provider the SilentUpgrade.php.
With the following command : Usage: php -f silentUpgrade.php [upgradeZipFile] [logFile] [pathToSugarInstance] [adminUser]
But it fails. It gives a error message at the SSH command prompt : Tried to execute in a non-SugarCRM root directory
I think the SilentUpgrade script was only written for SugarCRM and not for SuiteCRM ???


Can you help me with this problem?


Is it possible to manualy upgrade instead of the wizard?
