Upgrade safe way to hide subpanels in Contacts - Using SuiteCRM BETA Version 7.8.3 Sugar Version 6.5.24 (Build 509)

Hello all,

I’ve extensively searched through the forum and google, but all the solutions that I’ve found to my problem are for an older version, and the folder structure has now changed, and whatever I try doesn’t work because it’s for a much older version. Whatever I do needs to be upgrade safe as I’m only playing around making custom modules and customisations with the beta while I wait for the stable version to be released.

I would like to hide “Direct Reports” from my contacts module.

I’m using SuiteCRM BETA Version 7.8.3 Sugar Version 6.5.24 (Build 509) hosted remotely on my domain (if that matters).

Also- if possible - is there a way to re-order the way that the subpanels appear in the contact page? If this is too complicated and required coding then maybe I won’t bother as it’s really no biggie to me.

Please explain things as simply as possible. I have literally no coding or modding experience other than what I have gained from trying to hide this module. I need a step by step walkthrough of what to do and what to add or change. Sorry for being so clueless with the developer side of things.

Thank you so much for your help guys. I am literally in awe of this program and the community. It’s absolutely amazing. I’m a small start out individual and you have no idea how much this is helping me. I will literally rely on your software to organise my business, and without it, I’d be searching through word files and be so un-organised. I have tried many open source CRM’s over the last few weeks, and suiteCRM is not only the nicest looking and feeling one, but it’s also the most customisable and adaptable one. Keep up the good work!