Upgrade not working

Hi there,

I’m running a suiteCRM, Version 7.7.5. I’m trying to upgrade it to SuiteCRM 7.7.6 using SuiteCRM-Upgrade-7.7.x-to-7.7.6.zip

Now I’m trying with the Upgrade Assistant and in step 2 after choosing the upgrade package file and click on “Upload Package” I see the message “SuiteCRM-Upgrade-7.7.x-to-7.7.6.zip has been uploaded.”

Yet in the following section (just below the Upload button) titled “The following upgrade packages are ready to be installed:” nothing is shown (“none”).

When I click on “Next” I see the red error message “Upload a package before continuing.”

So I’m stuck.

I’ve given this permissions to all files in the sugar directory, including the upgrade file.
chmod -R 755 .
chmod -R 775 cache custom modules themes data upload config_override.php

Any help appreciated!


check your webserver logs, take a look at possible errors when you click that button

best regards

Ever able to fix this???

I have same issue - log files keep on throwing different errors

Couldn’t find constant SUITECRM_PHP_REC_VERSION in modules/UpgradeWizard/uw_utils.php


LBL_CURRENT_PHP_VERSION not found in modules/UpgradeWizard/uw_utils.php

nothing listed under
The following upgrade packages are ready to be installed:
after zip uploaded but it shows under
The following upgrade packages have been installed: