Upgrade from 7.0 - 7.1 saving contacts

Upgraded from 7.0 to 7.1. When trying to save a contact, it throws error:

[7156][1][FATAL] Error inserting into table: contacts: Query Failed: INSERT INTO contacts (id,date_entered,date_modified,modified_user_id,created_by,description,deleted,assigned_user_id,salutation,first_name,last_name,title,department,do_not_call,phone_mobile,phone_work,phone_other,phone_fax,primary_address_street,primary_address_city,primary_address_state,primary_address_postalcode,primary_address_country,alt_address_street,alt_address_city,alt_address_state,alt_address_postalcode,alt_address_country,lead_source,reports_to_id,campaign_id,portal_user_type)
VALUES (β€˜826d8240-7745-e0aa-90c1-533abd74f876’,β€˜2014-04-01 13:23:21’,β€˜2014-04-01 13:23:21’,β€˜1’,β€˜1’,’’,0,β€˜1’,’’,β€˜aaa’,β€˜aaa’,’’,’’,0,’’,’’,’’,’’,’’,’’,’’,’’,’’,’’,’’,’’,’’,’’,’’,’’,’’,β€˜Single’): MySQL error 1054: Unknown column β€˜portal_user_type’ in β€˜field list’

In custom\modules\Contacts\Ext\Vardefs\varders.ext.php there is a section for AOP with numerous fields that are not in the database. What is the best way to resolve? I’ve tried Quick Repair…

Hi dried,

When you performed a Quick Repair & Rebuild, did you scroll to the bottom and execute the changes?

What is your Server/MySQL/PHP setup?



That was it, thanks.

I’m having the same problem: portal_user_type seems to be missing.

I had run the Quick Repair & Rebuild and executed the changes script but the filed is still missing in the database.

Hi gITds,

What are your permissions on your instance? What is the output after you run the Quick Repair & Rebuild?

Which version of 7.0 did you upgrade from?



Hi Will,

The permissions are correct.
After the first run of the Quick Repair & Rebuild just after the installation there was a lot of adaptions to the database.
I have run the Quick Repair & Rebuild a second time and there was no special output.
I Have upgraded from 7.0.2 to 7.1.0.

I’m having the same issue.

hi Will,

I have done some further investigations and saw this sql statement been executed while saving a contact:


I see in the Studio an field called null with no configuration in the contacts.
I have resolved the problem by β€˜reset’ of the contacts in the Studio builder.

I can now save again but several fields are gone now like:

Running the quick repair does not create the missing fields

For now this causes no problem because I don’t use this, but will this be a problem for further upgrades ?

This should resolve your issues with contacts:-
