After upgrading from 7.0.1 to 7.0.2 (without errors…), the data seems to be intact, but the search (global search, search for contacts, leads, calls) leads to an empty result.
Fri Jan 24 15:31:18 2014 [4438][6f0f0f38-9582-c34f-5d4d-524e6c9571fc][DEPRECATED] Using row number in fetchByAssoc is not portable and no longer supported. Please fix your code.
Fri Jan 24 15:32:24 2014 [4975][6f0f0f38-9582-c34f-5d4d-524e6c9571fc][ERROR] Unable to find relationship projects_contacts_resources
Fri Jan 24 15:32:24 2014 [4975][6f0f0f38-9582-c34f-5d4d-524e6c9571fc][FATAL] project_resource for projects_contacts_resources failed to load
[DEPRECATED] Using row number in fetchByAssoc is not portable and no longer supported. Please fix your code.
line can be found many times…
There are many custom fields in SuiteCRM, maybe it´s related to them?
Too early…works only for myself in “contacts” (not in “leads”), but not for other useres.
Still error in log
Mon Jan 27 16:24:30 2014 [23399][1][DEPRECATED] Using row number in fetchByAssoc is not portable and no longer supported. Please fix your code.
Mon Jan 27 16:24:34 2014 [7196][6f0f0f38-9582-c34f-5d4d-524e6c9571fc][DEPRECATED] Using row number in fetchByAssoc is not portable and no longer supported. Please fix your code.
That is not really an error it is more a warning… can you check your error log on the website and not the CRM log?
Also Check any custom associations you might have in Leads through the Studio… you may have to just save the association again or remove and read ad it.