Hello to all,
I have been trying to get my SuiteCRM to upgrade from 7.11.13 to 7.11.15, and now 7.11.18 for some time. I keep getting file permissions issues during the file check. I am hosting on and Windows Server with IIS 8.5 and PHP 7.4. I have been through several forums including here and tried all the recommendations I could find, and been through all the files, permissions, even going as far as setting the file security from the AppPool user to “everyone,” and have had no luck. I have changed file ownership to the AppPool User, an admin user, IIS Users, and more, still no luck. I have installed the upgrade module patch, still no good. I have verified everything I can possibly think of. I have not found anyone who has had this issue before that has posted what they fianlly did to resolve the issue, if they did. Is there anyone with any knowledge of what else it could be, or what I may have overlooked?