Upgrade Failed (from 7.8.8 to 7.10.18)

Hi Guys,

I have been trying to update LTS 7.8.8 to latest LTS 7.10.18 with database failure at the end of the upgrade.

When I try to follow these steps @amariussi have mentioned in earlier post I get database failure when executing sync within Quick Repair Rebuild:

[i][i][i][i]Try the following:

  1. reset permissions correctly (if you don’t know how to, please ask)
  2. login as admin and go to Admin->Repairs->Quick Repair and Rebuild
    If at the bottom of the Quick Repair and Rebuild you are prompted to accept some operation on the DB, proceed to accept.[/i]

Then log out and log in again. Clear the browser cache (press Ctrl+F5) then check if the error persists. If this doesn’t work you may have to retry the update.[/i][/i][/i]

/* Table : users */
/*MISMATCH WITH DATABASE - first_name -  ROW [name] => 'first_name'  [type] => 'varchar'  [len] => '30'  */
/* VARDEF - first_name -  ROW[name] => 'first_name'  [vname] => 'LBL_FIRST_NAME'  [dbType] => 'varchar'  [type] => 'varchar'  [len] => '255'  [required] => ''  */
/*MISMATCH WITH DATABASE - last_name -  ROW [name] => 'last_name'  [type] => 'varchar'  [len] => '30'  */
/* VARDEF - last_name -  ROW[name] => 'last_name'  [vname] => 'LBL_LAST_NAME'  [dbType] => 'varchar'  [type] => 'varchar'  [len] => '255'  [importable] => 'required'  [required] => ''  */
/*MISSING IN DATABASE - factor_auth -  ROW*/
/*MISSING IN DATABASE - factor_auth_interface -  ROW*/
ALTER TABLE users   modify COLUMN first_name varchar(255)  NULL ,  modify COLUMN last_name varchar(255)  NULL ,  add COLUMN factor_auth bool  DEFAULT '0' NULL ,  add COLUMN factor_auth_interface varchar(255)  NULL ;
/* Table : campaigns */
/*MISMATCH WITH DATABASE - name -  ROW [name] => 'name'  [type] => 'varchar'  [len] => '50'  */
/* VARDEF - name -  ROW[name] => 'name'  [vname] => 'LBL_CAMPAIGN_NAME'  [dbType] => 'varchar'  [type] => 'varchar'  [len] => '255'  [comment] => 'The name of the campaign'  [importable] => 'required'  [required] => ''  [unified_search] => '1'  [full_text_search] => 'Array'  */
/*MISSING IN DATABASE - survey_id -  ROW*/
/*MISSING INDEX IN DATABASE - idx_survey_id -index  ROW */
ALTER TABLE campaigns   modify COLUMN name varchar(255)  NULL ,  add COLUMN survey_id char(36)  NULL ,  ADD INDEX idx_survey_id (survey_id);
/* Table : prospect_lists */
/*MISMATCH WITH DATABASE - name -  ROW [name] => 'name'  [type] => 'varchar'  [len] => '50'  */
/* VARDEF - name -  ROW[name] => 'name'  [vname] => 'LBL_NAME'  [type] => 'varchar'  [len] => '255'  [importable] => 'required'  [unified_search] => '1'  [full_text_search] => 'Array'  [dbType] => 'varchar'  [required] => ''  */
ALTER TABLE prospect_lists   modify COLUMN name varchar(255)  NULL ;
/* Table : prospects */
/*MISSING IN DATABASE - lawful_basis -  ROW*/
/*MISSING IN DATABASE - date_reviewed -  ROW*/
/*MISSING IN DATABASE - lawful_basis_source -  ROW*/
ALTER TABLE prospects   add COLUMN lawful_basis text(100)  NULL ,  add COLUMN date_reviewed date  NULL ,  add COLUMN lawful_basis_source varchar(100)  NULL ;
/* Table : campaign_trkrs */
/*MISMATCH WITH DATABASE - tracker_name -  ROW [name] => 'tracker_name'  [type] => 'varchar'  [len] => '30'  */
/* VARDEF - tracker_name -  ROW[name] => 'tracker_name'  [vname] => 'LBL_TRACKER_NAME'  [type] => 'varchar'  [len] => '255'  [comment] => 'The name of the campaign tracker'  [dbType] => 'varchar'  [required] => ''  */
ALTER TABLE campaign_trkrs   modify COLUMN tracker_name varchar(255)  NULL ;
/* Table : emailman */
/*MISSING IN DATABASE - related_confirm_opt_in -  ROW*/
ALTER TABLE emailman   add COLUMN related_confirm_opt_in bool  DEFAULT '0' NULL ;
/* Table : contacts */
/*MISSING IN DATABASE - lawful_basis -  ROW*/
/*MISSING IN DATABASE - date_reviewed -  ROW*/
/*MISSING IN DATABASE - lawful_basis_source -  ROW*/
ALTER TABLE contacts   add COLUMN lawful_basis text(100)  NULL ,  add COLUMN date_reviewed date  NULL ,  add COLUMN lawful_basis_source varchar(100)  NULL ;
/* Table : email_templates */
/*MISMATCH WITH DATABASE - body -  ROW [name] => 'body'  [type] => 'text'  */
/* VARDEF - body -  ROW[name] => 'body'  [vname] => 'LBL_BODY'  [type] => 'longtext'  [comment] => 'Plain text body to be used in resulting email'  [dbType] => 'longtext'  [len] => ''  [required] => ''  */
/*MISMATCH WITH DATABASE - body_html -  ROW [name] => 'body_html'  [type] => 'text'  */
/* VARDEF - body_html -  ROW[name] => 'body_html'  [vname] => 'LBL_PLAIN_TEXT'  [type] => 'longtext'  [comment] => 'HTML formatted email body to be used in resulting email'  [dbType] => 'longtext'  [len] => ''  [required] => ''  */
ALTER TABLE email_templates   modify COLUMN body longtext  NULL ,  modify COLUMN body_html longtext  NULL ;
/* Table : emails */
/*MISSING IN DATABASE - orphaned -  ROW*/
/*MISSING IN DATABASE - last_synced -  ROW*/
/*MISSING IN DATABASE - date_sent_received -  ROW*/
/*MISSING IN DATABASE - category_id -  ROW*/
/*MISSING INDEX IN DATABASE - idx_email_cat -index  ROW */
ALTER TABLE emails   add COLUMN orphaned bool  DEFAULT '0' NULL ,  add COLUMN last_synced datetime  NULL ,  add COLUMN date_sent_received datetime  NULL ,  add COLUMN uid varchar(255)  NULL ,  add COLUMN category_id varchar(100)  NULL ,  ADD INDEX idx_email_cat (category_id);
/* Table : alerts */
/*MISSING IN DATABASE - reminder_id -  ROW*/
ALTER TABLE alerts   add COLUMN reminder_id char(36)  NULL ;
/* Table : email_addresses */
/*MISSING IN DATABASE - confirm_opt_in -  ROW*/
/*MISSING IN DATABASE - confirm_opt_in_date -  ROW*/
/*MISSING IN DATABASE - confirm_opt_in_sent_date -  ROW*/
/*MISSING IN DATABASE - confirm_opt_in_fail_date -  ROW*/
/*MISSING IN DATABASE - confirm_opt_in_token -  ROW*/
ALTER TABLE email_addresses   add COLUMN confirm_opt_in varchar(255)  DEFAULT 'not-opt-in' NULL ,  add COLUMN confirm_opt_in_date datetime  NULL ,  add COLUMN confirm_opt_in_sent_date datetime  NULL ,  add COLUMN confirm_opt_in_fail_date datetime  NULL ,  add COLUMN confirm_opt_in_token varchar(255)  NULL ;
/* Table : aobh_businesshours */
/*MISSING IN DATABASE - open_status -  ROW*/
ALTER TABLE aobh_businesshours   add COLUMN open_status bool  DEFAULT '0' NULL ;
/* Table : reminders */
/*MISSING IN DATABASE - date_willexecute -  ROW*/
/*MISSING IN DATABASE - popup_viewed -  ROW*/
ALTER TABLE reminders   add COLUMN date_willexecute int(60)  DEFAULT '-1' NULL ,  add COLUMN popup_viewed bool  DEFAULT '0' NULL ;
/* Table : aos_pdf_templates */
/*MISMATCH WITH DATABASE - description -  ROW [name] => 'description'  [type] => 'text'  */
/* VARDEF - description -  ROW[name] => 'description'  [vname] => 'LBL_DESCRIPTION'  [type] => 'longtext'  [comment] => 'Full text of the note'  [rows] => '6'  [cols] => '80'  [required] => ''  [massupdate] => '0'  [no_default] => ''  [comments] => 'Full text of the note'  [help] => ''  [importable] => 'true'  [duplicate_merge] => 'disabled'  [duplicate_merge_dom_value] => '0'  [audited] => ''  [reportable] => '1'  [unified_search] => ''  [merge_filter] => 'disabled'  [size] => '20'  [studio] => 'visible'  [dbType] => 'longtext'  [len] => ''  */
ALTER TABLE aos_pdf_templates   modify COLUMN description longtext  NULL ;
/* Table : aos_quotes */
/*MISMATCH WITH DATABASE - number -  ROW [name] => 'number'  [type] => 'int'  [len] => '11'  [required] => 'true'  */
/* VARDEF - number -  ROW[name] => 'number'  [vname] => 'LBL_QUOTE_NUMBER'  [type] => 'int'  [len] => '11'  [isnull] => 'false'  [unified_search] => '1'  [comments] => ''  [importable] => 'true'  [duplicate_merge] => 'disabled'  [reportable] => '1'  [disable_num_format] => '1'  [dbType] => 'int'  [required] => ''  */
ALTER TABLE aos_quotes   modify COLUMN number int(11)  NULL ;
/* Table : outbound_email */
/*MISSING IN DATABASE - smtp_from_name -  ROW*/
/*MISSING IN DATABASE - smtp_from_addr -  ROW*/
/*MISMATCH WITH DATABASE - mail_smtpport -  ROW [name] => 'mail_smtpport'  [type] => 'int'  [len] => '5'  */
/* VARDEF - mail_smtpport -  ROW[name] => 'mail_smtpport'  [vname] => 'LBL_MAIL_SMTPPORT'  [type] => 'varchar'  [len] => '5'  [default] => '0'  [reportable] => ''  [dbType] => 'varchar'  [required] => ''  */
ALTER TABLE outbound_email   add COLUMN smtp_from_name varchar(255)  NULL ,  add COLUMN smtp_from_addr varchar(255)  NULL ,  modify COLUMN mail_smtpport varchar(5)  DEFAULT '0' NULL ;
/* Table : oauth2tokens */
/* MISSING TABLE: oauth2tokens */
CREATE TABLE oauth2tokens (id char(36)  NOT NULL ,name varchar(255)  NULL ,date_entered datetime  NULL ,date_modified datetime  NULL ,modified_user_id char(36)  NULL ,created_by char(36)  NULL ,description text  NULL ,deleted bool  DEFAULT '0' NULL ,token_is_revoked bool  NULL ,token_type varchar(255)  NULL ,access_token_expires datetime  NULL ,access_token varchar(4000)  NULL ,refresh_token varchar(4000)  NULL ,refresh_token_expires datetime  NULL ,grant_type varchar(255)  NULL ,state varchar(1024)  NULL ,client char(36)  NULL ,assigned_user_id char(36)  NULL  , PRIMARY KEY (id)) CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_general_ci;
/* Table : oauth2clients */
/* MISSING TABLE: oauth2clients */
CREATE TABLE oauth2clients (id char(36)  NOT NULL ,name varchar(255)  NULL ,date_entered datetime  NULL ,date_modified datetime  NULL ,modified_user_id char(36)  NULL ,created_by char(36)  NULL ,description text  NULL ,deleted bool  DEFAULT '0' NULL ,secret varchar(4000)  NULL ,redirect_url varchar(255)  NULL ,is_confidential bool  DEFAULT '1' NULL ,allowed_grant_type varchar(255)  DEFAULT 'password' NULL ,duration_value int(11)  NULL ,duration_amount int(11)  NULL ,duration_unit varchar(255)  DEFAULT 'Duration Unit' NULL ,assigned_user_id char(36)  NULL  , PRIMARY KEY (id)) CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_general_ci;
/* Table : surveyresponses */
/* MISSING TABLE: surveyresponses */
CREATE TABLE surveyresponses (id char(36)  NOT NULL ,name varchar(255)  NULL ,date_entered datetime  NULL ,date_modified datetime  NULL ,modified_user_id char(36)  NULL ,created_by char(36)  NULL ,description text  NULL ,deleted bool  DEFAULT '0' NULL ,assigned_user_id char(36)  NULL ,happiness int  NULL ,email_response_sent bool  NULL ,account_id char(36)  NULL ,campaign_id char(36)  NULL ,contact_id char(36)  NULL ,survey_id char(36)  NULL  , PRIMARY KEY (id)) CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_general_ci;
/* Table : surveys */
/* MISSING TABLE: surveys */
CREATE TABLE surveys (id char(36)  NOT NULL ,name varchar(255)  NULL ,date_entered datetime  NULL ,date_modified datetime  NULL ,modified_user_id char(36)  NULL ,created_by char(36)  NULL ,description text  NULL ,deleted bool  DEFAULT '0' NULL ,assigned_user_id char(36)  NULL ,status varchar(100)  DEFAULT 'Draft' NULL ,submit_text varchar(255)  DEFAULT 'Submit' NULL ,satisfied_text varchar(255)  DEFAULT 'Satisfied' NULL ,neither_text varchar(255)  DEFAULT 'Neither Satisfied nor Dissatisfied' NULL ,dissatisfied_text varchar(255)  DEFAULT 'Dissatisfied' NULL  , PRIMARY KEY (id)) CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_general_ci;
/* Table : surveyquestionresponses */
/* MISSING TABLE: surveyquestionresponses */
CREATE TABLE surveyquestionresponses (id char(36)  NOT NULL ,name varchar(255)  NULL ,date_entered datetime  NULL ,date_modified datetime  NULL ,modified_user_id char(36)  NULL ,created_by char(36)  NULL ,description text  NULL ,deleted bool  DEFAULT '0' NULL ,assigned_user_id char(36)  NULL ,answer text  NULL ,answer_bool bool  NULL ,answer_datetime datetime  NULL ,surveyquestion_id char(36)  NULL ,surveyresponse_id char(36)  NULL  , PRIMARY KEY (id)) CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_general_ci;
/* Table : surveyquestions */
/* MISSING TABLE: surveyquestions */
CREATE TABLE surveyquestions (id char(36)  NOT NULL ,name varchar(255)  NULL ,date_entered datetime  NULL ,date_modified datetime  NULL ,modified_user_id char(36)  NULL ,created_by char(36)  NULL ,description text  NULL ,deleted bool  DEFAULT '0' NULL ,assigned_user_id char(36)  NULL ,sort_order int(255)  NULL ,type varchar(100)  NULL ,happiness_question bool  NULL ,survey_id char(36)  NULL  , PRIMARY KEY (id)) CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_general_ci;
/* Table : surveyquestionoptions */
/* MISSING TABLE: surveyquestionoptions */
CREATE TABLE surveyquestionoptions (id char(36)  NOT NULL ,name varchar(255)  NULL ,date_entered datetime  NULL ,date_modified datetime  NULL ,modified_user_id char(36)  NULL ,created_by char(36)  NULL ,description text  NULL ,deleted bool  DEFAULT '0' NULL ,assigned_user_id char(36)  NULL ,sort_order int(255)  NULL ,survey_question_id char(36)  NULL  , PRIMARY KEY (id)) CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_general_ci;
/* Table : folders */
/*MISMATCH WITH DATABASE - name -  ROW [name] => 'name'  [type] => 'varchar'  [len] => '25'  */
/* VARDEF - name -  ROW[name] => 'name'  [type] => 'varchar'  [len] => '255'  [required] => ''  [dbType] => 'varchar'  */
ALTER TABLE folders   modify COLUMN name varchar(255)  NULL ;
/* Table : securitygroups_records */
/*MISMATCH WITH DATABASE - module -  ROW [name] => 'module'  [type] => 'varchar'  [len] => '255'  */
/* VARDEF - module -  ROW[name] => 'module'  [type] => 'char'  [len] => '36'  [dbType] => 'char'  [required] => ''  */
ALTER TABLE securitygroups_records   modify COLUMN module char(36)  NULL ;
/* Table : surveyquestionoptions_surveyquestionresponses */
/* MISSING TABLE: surveyquestionoptions_surveyquestionresponses */
CREATE TABLE surveyquestionoptions_surveyquestionresponses (id varchar(36)  NOT NULL ,date_modified datetime  NULL ,deleted bool  DEFAULT '0' NULL ,surveyq72c7options_ida varchar(36)  NULL ,surveyq10d4sponses_idb varchar(36)  NULL  , PRIMARY KEY (id),   KEY surveyquestionoptions_surveyquestionresponses_alt (surveyq72c7options_ida, surveyq10d4sponses_idb)) CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_general_ci;

System info:

PHP: 7.0.33
MySQL: mysql Ver 14.14 Distrib 5.6.37, for Linux (x86_64) using EditLine wrapper

What do you have in your logs? What is the exact database failure?

Search all of these


Tnx @pgr,

I have attached upgradeWizard.log and suitecrm.log. I couldn’t find anywhere in the CRM files php_errors.log.

Please find errors_log.

I couldn’t open your php_errors.log for some reason, I get an error. Can you please try uploading again? If it’s easier, paste it here and give me the link:


The error in suitecrm.log is this:

Tue Jul 16 16:55:33 2019 [9566][36271948-94a4-5e7b-4d5a-5536a0f86f1a][FATAL] Mysqli_query failed.
Tue Jul 16 16:55:33 2019 [9566][36271948-94a4-5e7b-4d5a-5536a0f86f1a][FATAL]  Query Failed: SELECT 
                FROM email_addresses ea LEFT JOIN email_addr_bean_rel ear ON ea.id = ear.email_address_id
                    ear.bean_module = 'Users'
                    AND ear.bean_id = '36271948-94a4-5e7b-4d5a-5536a0f86f1a'
                    AND ear.deleted = 0
                ORDER BY ear.reply_to_address, ear.primary_address DESC: MySQL error 1054: Unknown column 'ea.confirm_opt_in' in 'field list'

Try running this from phpMyAdmin, tell me how it goes:

ALTER TABLE email_addresses   add COLUMN confirm_opt_in varchar(255)  DEFAULT 'not-opt-in' NULL ,  add COLUMN confirm_opt_in_date datetime  NULL ,  add COLUMN confirm_opt_in_sent_date datetime  NULL ,  add COLUMN confirm_opt_in_fail_date datetime  NULL ,  add COLUMN confirm_opt_in_token varchar(255)  NULL ;

But I think that FATAL error is from a subpanel trying to display, not from the QR&R failing, which is what I would like to know. If you can get me the QR&R error it would be better…

[quote=“pgr” post=87248]
Try running this from phpMyAdmin, tell me how it goes:

ALTER TABLE email_addresses   add COLUMN confirm_opt_in varchar(255)  DEFAULT 'not-opt-in' NULL ,  add COLUMN confirm_opt_in_date datetime  NULL ,  add COLUMN confirm_opt_in_sent_date datetime  NULL ,  add COLUMN confirm_opt_in_fail_date datetime  NULL ,  add COLUMN confirm_opt_in_token varchar(255)  NULL ;


@pgr, thnx for getting back…when I run the query outside of QR&R I get the normal output as you can see below:

	#	Time	Action	Message	Duration / Fetch
3	1	10:26:19	ALTER TABLE email_addresses   add COLUMN confirm_opt_in varchar(255)  DEFAULT 'not-opt-in' NULL ,  add COLUMN confirm_opt_in_date datetime  NULL ,  add COLUMN confirm_opt_in_sent_date datetime  NULL ,  add COLUMN confirm_opt_in_fail_date datetime  NULL ,  add COLUMN confirm_opt_in_token varchar(255)  NULL
11087 row(s) affected  Records: 11087  Duplicates: 0  Warnings: 0	0.282 sec

OK, I have renamed all of the suitecrm.log and error_log files and executed QR&R, database failure again appeared but hopefully with more info:


[18-Jul-2019 08:36:01 UTC] PHP Fatal error:  Uncaught Exception: cron.php is CLI only. in /home/devcrmihhcrm/public_html/suitecrm/include/utils.php:1775
Stack trace:
#0 /home/devcrmihhcrm/public_html/suitecrm/cron.php(52): sugar_die('cron.php is CLI...')
#1 {main}
  thrown in /home/devcrmihhcrm/public_html/suitecrm/include/utils.php on line 1775
[18-Jul-2019 08:36:51 UTC] PHP Fatal error:  Uncaught Error: Call to a member function getPreference() on null in /home/devcrmihhcrm/public_html/suitecrm/custom/modules/Home/views/view.list.php:13
Stack trace:
#0 /home/devcrmihhcrm/public_html/suitecrm/include/MVC/View/SugarView.php(211): CustomHomeViewList->display()
#1 /home/devcrmihhcrm/public_html/suitecrm/include/MVC/Controller/SugarController.php(435): SugarView->process()
#2 /home/devcrmihhcrm/public_html/suitecrm/include/MVC/Controller/SugarController.php(375): SugarController->processView()
#3 /home/devcrmihhcrm/public_html/suitecrm/include/MVC/SugarApplication.php(113): SugarController->execute()
#4 /home/devcrmihhcrm/public_html/suitecrm/index.php(52): SugarApplication->execute()
#5 {main}
  thrown in /home/devcrmihhcrm/public_html/suitecrm/custom/modules/Home/views/view.list.php on line 13
[18-Jul-2019 08:37:00 UTC] PHP Deprecated:  Methods with the same name as their class will not be constructors in a future version of PHP; rls_Reports has a deprecated constructor in /home/devcrmihhcrm/public_html/suitecrm/modules/rls_Reports/rls_Reports.php on line 42
[18-Jul-2019 08:37:00 UTC] PHP Deprecated:  Methods with the same name as their class will not be constructors in a future version of PHP; rls_Reports_sugar has a deprecated constructor in /home/devcrmihhcrm/public_html/suitecrm/modules/rls_Reports/rls_Reports_sugar.php on line 44
[18-Jul-2019 08:37:00 UTC] PHP Warning:  Declaration of rls_Reports::Save() should be compatible with SugarBean::save($check_notify = false) in /home/devcrmihhcrm/public_html/suitecrm/modules/rls_Reports/rls_Reports.php on line 42
[18-Jul-2019 08:37:00 UTC] PHP Deprecated:  Methods with the same name as their class will not be constructors in a future version of PHP; RLS_Scheduling_Reports has a deprecated constructor in /home/devcrmihhcrm/public_html/suitecrm/modules/RLS_Scheduling_Reports/RLS_Scheduling_Reports.php on line 41
[18-Jul-2019 08:37:00 UTC] PHP Deprecated:  Methods with the same name as their class will not be constructors in a future version of PHP; RLS_Scheduling_Reports_sugar has a deprecated constructor in /home/devcrmihhcrm/public_html/suitecrm/modules/RLS_Scheduling_Reports/RLS_Scheduling_Reports_sugar.php on line 44
[18-Jul-2019 08:37:00 UTC] PHP Deprecated:  Methods with the same name as their class will not be constructors in a future version of PHP; AM_ProjectHolidays has a deprecated constructor in /home/devcrmihhcrm/public_html/suitecrm/modules/AM_ProjectHolidays/AM_ProjectHolidays.php on line 41
[18-Jul-2019 08:37:00 UTC] PHP Deprecated:  Methods with the same name as their class will not be constructors in a future version of PHP; AM_ProjectHolidays_sugar has a deprecated constructor in /home/devcrmihhcrm/public_html/suitecrm/modules/AM_ProjectHolidays/AM_ProjectHolidays_sugar.php on line 44
[18-Jul-2019 08:37:00 UTC] PHP Deprecated:  Methods with the same name as their class will not be constructors in a future version of PHP; OEPLProximity has a deprecated constructor in /home/devcrmihhcrm/public_html/suitecrm/modules/OEPLProximity/OEPLProximity.php on line 41
[18-Jul-2019 08:37:00 UTC] PHP Deprecated:  Methods with the same name as their class will not be constructors in a future version of PHP; tsa_TSMOpportunity has a deprecated constructor in /home/devcrmihhcrm/public_html/suitecrm/modules/tsa_TSMOpportunity/tsa_TSMOpportunity.php on line 44
[18-Jul-2019 08:37:00 UTC] PHP Deprecated:  Methods with the same name as their class will not be constructors in a future version of PHP; tsa_TSMOpportunity_sugar has a deprecated constructor in /home/devcrmihhcrm/public_html/suitecrm/modules/tsa_TSMOpportunity/tsa_TSMOpportunity_sugar.php on line 47
[18-Jul-2019 08:37:00 UTC] PHP Deprecated:  Methods with the same name as their class will not be constructors in a future version of PHP; tsa_TSMLeads has a deprecated constructor in /home/devcrmihhcrm/public_html/suitecrm/modules/tsa_TSMLeads/tsa_TSMLeads.php on line 44
[18-Jul-2019 08:37:00 UTC] PHP Deprecated:  Methods with the same name as their class will not be constructors in a future version of PHP; tsa_TSMLeads_sugar has a deprecated constructor in /home/devcrmihhcrm/public_html/suitecrm/modules/tsa_TSMLeads/tsa_TSMLeads_sugar.php on line 47
[18-Jul-2019 08:37:00 UTC] PHP Deprecated:  Methods with the same name as their class will not be constructors in a future version of PHP; tsa_TSMAccounts has a deprecated constructor in /home/devcrmihhcrm/public_html/suitecrm/modules/tsa_TSMAccounts/tsa_TSMAccounts.php on line 44
[18-Jul-2019 08:37:00 UTC] PHP Deprecated:  Methods with the same name as their class will not be constructors in a future version of PHP; tsa_TSMAccounts_sugar has a deprecated constructor in /home/devcrmihhcrm/public_html/suitecrm/modules/tsa_TSMAccounts/tsa_TSMAccounts_sugar.php on line 47
[18-Jul-2019 08:37:00 UTC] PHP Deprecated:  Methods with the same name as their class will not be constructors in a future version of PHP; tsa_TSMContacts has a deprecated constructor in /home/devcrmihhcrm/public_html/suitecrm/modules/tsa_TSMContacts/tsa_TSMContacts.php on line 44
[18-Jul-2019 08:37:00 UTC] PHP Deprecated:  Methods with the same name as their class will not be constructors in a future version of PHP; tsa_TSMContacts_sugar has a deprecated constructor in /home/devcrmihhcrm/public_html/suitecrm/modules/tsa_TSMContacts/tsa_TSMContacts_sugar.php on line 47
[18-Jul-2019 08:37:01 UTC] PHP Fatal error:  Uncaught Exception: cron.php is CLI only. in /home/devcrmihhcrm/public_html/suitecrm/include/utils.php:1775
Stack trace:
#0 /home/devcrmihhcrm/public_html/suitecrm/cron.php(52): sugar_die('cron.php is CLI...')
#1 {main}
  thrown in /home/devcrmihhcrm/public_html/suitecrm/include/utils.php on line 1775
[18-Jul-2019 08:37:16 UTC] PHP Deprecated:  Methods with the same name as their class will not be constructors in a future version of PHP; rls_Reports has a deprecated constructor in /home/devcrmihhcrm/public_html/suitecrm/modules/rls_Reports/rls_Reports.php on line 42
[18-Jul-2019 08:37:16 UTC] PHP Deprecated:  Methods with the same name as their class will not be constructors in a future version of PHP; rls_Reports_sugar has a deprecated constructor in /home/devcrmihhcrm/public_html/suitecrm/modules/rls_Reports/rls_Reports_sugar.php on line 44
[18-Jul-2019 08:37:16 UTC] PHP Warning:  Declaration of rls_Reports::Save() should be compatible with SugarBean::save($check_notify = false) in /home/devcrmihhcrm/public_html/suitecrm/modules/rls_Reports/rls_Reports.php on line 42
[18-Jul-2019 08:37:16 UTC] PHP Deprecated:  Methods with the same name as their class will not be constructors in a future version of PHP; RLS_Scheduling_Reports has a deprecated constructor in /home/devcrmihhcrm/public_html/suitecrm/modules/RLS_Scheduling_Reports/RLS_Scheduling_Reports.php on line 41
[18-Jul-2019 08:37:16 UTC] PHP Deprecated:  Methods with the same name as their class will not be constructors in a future version of PHP; RLS_Scheduling_Reports_sugar has a deprecated constructor in /home/devcrmihhcrm/public_html/suitecrm/modules/RLS_Scheduling_Reports/RLS_Scheduling_Reports_sugar.php on line 44
[18-Jul-2019 08:37:16 UTC] PHP Deprecated:  Methods with the same name as their class will not be constructors in a future version of PHP; AM_ProjectHolidays has a deprecated constructor in /home/devcrmihhcrm/public_html/suitecrm/modules/AM_ProjectHolidays/AM_ProjectHolidays.php on line 41
[18-Jul-2019 08:37:16 UTC] PHP Deprecated:  Methods with the same name as their class will not be constructors in a future version of PHP; AM_ProjectHolidays_sugar has a deprecated constructor in /home/devcrmihhcrm/public_html/suitecrm/modules/AM_ProjectHolidays/AM_ProjectHolidays_sugar.php on line 44
[18-Jul-2019 08:37:16 UTC] PHP Deprecated:  Methods with the same name as their class will not be constructors in a future version of PHP; OEPLProximity has a deprecated constructor in /home/devcrmihhcrm/public_html/suitecrm/modules/OEPLProximity/OEPLProximity.php on line 41
[18-Jul-2019 08:37:16 UTC] PHP Deprecated:  Methods with the same name as their class will not be constructors in a future version of PHP; tsa_TSMOpportunity has a deprecated constructor in /home/devcrmihhcrm/public_html/suitecrm/modules/tsa_TSMOpportunity/tsa_TSMOpportunity.php on line 44
[18-Jul-2019 08:37:16 UTC] PHP Deprecated:  Methods with the same name as their class will not be constructors in a future version of PHP; tsa_TSMOpportunity_sugar has a deprecated constructor in /home/devcrmihhcrm/public_html/suitecrm/modules/tsa_TSMOpportunity/tsa_TSMOpportunity_sugar.php on line 47
[18-Jul-2019 08:37:16 UTC] PHP Deprecated:  Methods with the same name as their class will not be constructors in a future version of PHP; tsa_TSMLeads has a deprecated constructor in /home/devcrmihhcrm/public_html/suitecrm/modules/tsa_TSMLeads/tsa_TSMLeads.php on line 44
[18-Jul-2019 08:37:16 UTC] PHP Deprecated:  Methods with the same name as their class will not be constructors in a future version of PHP; tsa_TSMLeads_sugar has a deprecated constructor in /home/devcrmihhcrm/public_html/suitecrm/modules/tsa_TSMLeads/tsa_TSMLeads_sugar.php on line 47
[18-Jul-2019 08:37:16 UTC] PHP Deprecated:  Methods with the same name as their class will not be constructors in a future version of PHP; tsa_TSMAccounts has a deprecated constructor in /home/devcrmihhcrm/public_html/suitecrm/modules/tsa_TSMAccounts/tsa_TSMAccounts.php on line 44
[18-Jul-2019 08:37:16 UTC] PHP Deprecated:  Methods with the same name as their class will not be constructors in a future version of PHP; tsa_TSMAccounts_sugar has a deprecated constructor in /home/devcrmihhcrm/public_html/suitecrm/modules/tsa_TSMAccounts/tsa_TSMAccounts_sugar.php on line 47
[18-Jul-2019 08:37:16 UTC] PHP Deprecated:  Methods with the same name as their class will not be constructors in a future version of PHP; tsa_TSMContacts has a deprecated constructor in /home/devcrmihhcrm/public_html/suitecrm/modules/tsa_TSMContacts/tsa_TSMContacts.php on line 44
[18-Jul-2019 08:37:16 UTC] PHP Deprecated:  Methods with the same name as their class will not be constructors in a future version of PHP; tsa_TSMContacts_sugar has a deprecated constructor in /home/devcrmihhcrm/public_html/suitecrm/modules/tsa_TSMContacts/tsa_TSMContacts_sugar.php on line 47
[18-Jul-2019 08:37:18 UTC] PHP Deprecated:  Methods with the same name as their class will not be constructors in a future version of PHP; rls_Reports has a deprecated constructor in /home/devcrmihhcrm/public_html/suitecrm/modules/rls_Reports/rls_Reports.php on line 42
[18-Jul-2019 08:37:18 UTC] PHP Deprecated:  Methods with the same name as their class will not be constructors in a future version of PHP; rls_Reports_sugar has a deprecated constructor in /home/devcrmihhcrm/public_html/suitecrm/modules/rls_Reports/rls_Reports_sugar.php on line 44
[18-Jul-2019 08:37:18 UTC] PHP Warning:  Declaration of rls_Reports::Save() should be compatible with SugarBean::save($check_notify = false) in /home/devcrmihhcrm/public_html/suitecrm/modules/rls_Reports/rls_Reports.php on line 42
[18-Jul-2019 08:37:27 UTC] PHP Deprecated:  Methods with the same name as their class will not be constructors in a future version of PHP; rls_Reports has a deprecated constructor in /home/devcrmihhcrm/public_html/suitecrm/modules/rls_Reports/rls_Reports.php on line 42
[18-Jul-2019 08:37:27 UTC] PHP Deprecated:  Methods with the same name as their class will not be constructors in a future version of PHP; rls_Reports_sugar has a deprecated constructor in /home/devcrmihhcrm/public_html/suitecrm/modules/rls_Reports/rls_Reports_sugar.php on line 44
[18-Jul-2019 08:37:27 UTC] PHP Warning:  Declaration of rls_Reports::Save() should be compatible with SugarBean::save($check_notify = false) in /home/devcrmihhcrm/public_html/suitecrm/modules/rls_Reports/rls_Reports.php on line 42
[18-Jul-2019 08:38:01 UTC] PHP Fatal error:  Uncaught Exception: cron.php is CLI only. in /home/devcrmihhcrm/public_html/suitecrm/include/utils.php:1775
Stack trace:
#0 /home/devcrmihhcrm/public_html/suitecrm/cron.php(52): sugar_die('cron.php is CLI...')
#1 {main}
  thrown in /home/devcrmihhcrm/public_html/suitecrm/include/utils.php on line 1775
[18-Jul-2019 08:39:01 UTC] PHP Fatal error:  Uncaught Exception: cron.php is CLI only. in /home/devcrmihhcrm/public_html/suitecrm/include/utils.php:1775
Stack trace:
#0 /home/devcrmihhcrm/public_html/suitecrm/cron.php(52): sugar_die('cron.php is CLI...')
#1 {main}
  thrown in /home/devcrmihhcrm/public_html/suitecrm/include/utils.php on line 1775


Thu Jul 18 08:37:27 2019 [11290][36271948-94a4-5e7b-4d5a-5536a0f86f1a][FATAL] Mysqli_query failed.
Thu Jul 18 08:37:27 2019 [11290][36271948-94a4-5e7b-4d5a-5536a0f86f1a][FATAL] Executing repair query:  Query Failed: ALTER TABLE users   modify COLUMN first_name varchar(255)  NULL ,  modify COLUMN last_name varchar(255)  NULL ,  add COLUMN factor_auth bool  DEFAULT '0' NULL ,  add COLUMN factor_auth_interface varchar(255)  NULL: MySQL error 1071: Specified key was too long; max key length is 1000 bytes
Thu Jul 18 08:37:27 2019 [11290][36271948-94a4-5e7b-4d5a-5536a0f86f1a][FATAL] Exception handling in /home/devcrmihhcrm/public_html/suitecrm/include/MVC/Controller/SugarController.php:400
Thu Jul 18 08:37:27 2019 [11290][36271948-94a4-5e7b-4d5a-5536a0f86f1a][FATAL] Exception in Controller: Database failure. Please refer to suitecrm.log for details.
Thu Jul 18 08:37:27 2019 [11290][36271948-94a4-5e7b-4d5a-5536a0f86f1a][FATAL] backtrace:
#0 /home/devcrmihhcrm/public_html/suitecrm/include/database/DBManager.php(353): sugar_die('Database failur...')
#1 /home/devcrmihhcrm/public_html/suitecrm/include/database/DBManager.php(328): DBManager->registerError('Executing repai...', 'Executing repai...', true)
#2 /home/devcrmihhcrm/public_html/suitecrm/include/database/MysqliManager.php(179): DBManager->checkError('Executing repai...', true)
#3 /home/devcrmihhcrm/public_html/suitecrm/modules/Administration/repairDatabase.php(93): MysqliManager->query('ALTER TABLE use...', true, 'Executing repai...')
#4 /home/devcrmihhcrm/public_html/suitecrm/include/MVC/View/SugarView.php(818): include_once('/home/devcrmihh...')
#5 /home/devcrmihhcrm/public_html/suitecrm/include/MVC/View/views/view.classic.php(72): SugarView->includeClassicFile('modules/Adminis...')
#6 /home/devcrmihhcrm/public_html/suitecrm/include/MVC/View/SugarView.php(211): ViewClassic->display()
#7 /home/devcrmihhcrm/public_html/suitecrm/include/MVC/Controller/SugarController.php(435): SugarView->process()
#8 /home/devcrmihhcrm/public_html/suitecrm/include/MVC/Controller/SugarController.php(375): SugarController->processView()
#9 /home/devcrmihhcrm/public_html/suitecrm/include/MVC/SugarApplication.php(113): SugarController->execute()
#10 /home/devcrmihhcrm/public_html/suitecrm/index.php(52): SugarApplication->execute()
#11 {main}

Ok, that’s more like it!

  1. You need to fix the way you’re running cron jobs. How exactly did you set them up?

  2. Your QR &R problem is this: https://github.com/salesagility/SuiteCRM/issues/7509

Fixed with SuiteCRM 7.11.7 or simply with this manual change:



Tnx, I will try and read the following fixes that you’ve sent, as for the cronjob, I think that hosting company set that up, it wasn’t me:

In order to run SuiteCRM Schedulers, edit your web server user’s crontab file with this command:
sudo crontab -e -u devcrmihhcrm
… and add the following line to the crontab file:

          • cd /home/devcrmihhcrm/public_html/suitecrm; php -f cron.php > /dev/null 2>&1

Is this setup wrong, what can we do to fix it?

That cron set up seems correct, but you have errors in your logs that indicate that cron.php is being called from a place that is not “CLI”, not command-line PHP.

This could be a web browser, or any other call that has the same effect (curl, wget, external services that call URL’s regularly as if they were a cron service).

cron will refuse to run if it’s not called from CLI, for security reasons (people could swamp your server with cron requests). But you can disable that check inside cron.php if you really want to.


Thank you very much. It works, QR&R is able to finish now. There is just one other thing, I was updating some add-ons to test this LTS 7.10.18 ver and when I did QR&R it always wanted to execute the same database changes as you can see enclosed below. Anyways, QR&R always successfully finishes.


I also found that module tabs are not showing correct fields in both detail and edit view:


Can you please have a look at the video I have made.

Please apply this fix for the problems creating the index:


The problem in the video looks like a bug, maybe nobody ever tried adding so many tabs… :unsure:

You can report this on Github, but sincerely I doubt anyone will take a look at it, it’s too specific, and it takes a LOT of work just to reproduce the bug… :blink: