I have 3 installations of suitecrm running on my server. I made the updates to:
7.9.15 to 7.9.16 => OK
7.8.16 to 7.9.17 => OK
7.10.1 to 7.10.2 => I can not load the package … I should first switch to the English package for the update wizard preview. So when I get to the upload screen of the package, this gives me the error saying that I have to configure upload_max_filesize and / or post_max_size, but my configuration is already:
max_execution_time = 120
max_input_time = -1
max_input_vars = 1000
memory_limit = 512M
post_max_size = 512M
session.gc_maxlifetime = 1440
upload_max_filesize = 512M
zlib.output_compression = On
And I was able to update the other versions normally. Anyone have any idea what this might be?