Existing Web to Lead form with an existing Workflow on Leads - New Record fails insert into leads_cstm and leads with duplicate entry on primary keys.
Workflow was working prior to upgrade. Workflow is supposed to run on New Record. It modifies 2 attributes and sends an email to a user.
Not sure if the Workflow is the issue, but the lead does get created. But attributes are not modified and notification emails from the Workflow are not generated.
Initial Lead Creation email from Sugar IS properly generated and sent. However Email address record is not created. So the lead is only partially finished. Consequently, I am not sure if any of the Workflow discussion is germane. Included for completeness.
This looks likely to be related to Email address creation. Email records are not created when either creating or updating Leads from within SuiteCRM. However, no error is recorded in the log. I get a blank page response in the browser.
Tue Apr 1 10:05:39 2014 [20757][ab95d954-dd2c-9aaa-222d-5238e6306f4d][FATAL] Query Failed: INSERT INTO leads_cstm (id_c ,relationship_category_c ,conference_name_c ,lead_type_c ,student_enrollment_c ,assistant_email_c ,rating_c ,jjwg_maps_lat_c ,jjwg_maps_lng_c ) VALUES (‘1779ae4d-2d7c-e18a-f991-533af125178b’ ,‘Individual_School’ ,’’ ,‘New_Business’ ,0 ,’’ ,‘Warm’ ,0 ,0 ): MySQL error 1062: Duplicate entry ‘1779ae4d-2d7c-e18a-f991-533af125178b’ for key ‘PRIMARY’
Tue Apr 1 10:05:39 2014 [20757][ab95d954-dd2c-9aaa-222d-5238e6306f4d][FATAL] Error inserting into table: leads: Query Failed: INSERT INTO leads (id,date_entered,date_modified,modified_user_id,created_by,deleted,assigned_user_id,first_name,last_name,do_not_call,phone_work,primary_address_city,primary_address_state,converted,lead_source,status,account_name,campaign_id)
VALUES (‘1779ae4d-2d7c-e18a-f991-533af125178b’,‘2014-04-01 17:05:37’,‘2014-04-01 17:05:37’,‘ab95d954-dd2c-9aaa-222d-5238e6306f4d’,‘ab95d954-dd2c-9aaa-222d-5238e6306f4d’,0,‘4e60d125-d640-bd6c-6f8f-530d4b0d59c0’,‘Another’,‘Test’,0,’’,’’,’’,0,‘Web Site’,‘New’,‘Somewheresville’,‘45da4d26-f16d-8424-ec0b-52d4f84345a6’): MySQL error 1062: Duplicate entry ‘1779ae4d-2d7c-e18a-f991-533af125178b’ for key ‘PRIMARY’