Updating from SugarCRM to SuiteCRM

I am currently running SugarCRM 6.5.17 with MySQL as the backend on a CentOS 6 server. I would like to update to SuiteCRM but would rather use PostgreSQL as the backend rather than MySQL since it is my preferred database and much more capable than MySQL. Since I plan to install the latest version of PostgreSQL, version 13, on the system, that would be my preferred backend.

I found some old post from several years ago that suggested work was going on allowing for a PostgreSQL backend but did not see it listed among compatible databases on the website. Perhaps I missed something and it does work?

Looking forward to comments. Would also like hear if I should go from SugarCRM 6.5.17 to the latest version of SuiteCRM? I don’t think I can convert to a later version of SugarCRM first without some pain…

Thank you.

Hi, welcome to the Community! :tada:

Currently there is no support for PostgreSQL. This is as far as it went, but it isn’t finished:

Then, for SuiteCRM v8, it’s promised that the database back-end will be Doctrine, which should support PostgreSQL. But I wouldn’t count on it being there at the beginning, it might still take a while. I say this because I know it will be a LOT of work to swap out the database back-end, and I haven’t seen any sign yet of that work being started.

Bottom line: it’s in the plans, but you’re probably better off just using MySQL/MariaDB for now.

OK, thank you for the information. Do you have any thoughts on migrating from SugarCRM 6.5.17 - which is not the latest CE version - to the current version of SuiteCRM? In this case then staying with MySQL, or rather MariaDB, as the backend.

By the way, what is the minimum version of MySQL/MariaDB required for SuiteCRM?

Check the Compatibility Matrix:

In fact, you’ll have to keep an eye on that since your upgrade will have multiple steps and you might need a PHP upgrade, for example, halfway through.

This will surely also help: