Uneble to visualize Gantt for a project

Hello to everyone I hope someone can help me with this.

I have created a project. If I try to view the Gantt this is the message I get: Error retrieving the record. This record may be deleted or you may not be authorized to view it.

I checked the Log and this is what I find:

Wed Apr 22 10:26:22 2020 [19036][1][FATAL] Exception handling in …/include/MVC/Controller/SugarController.php:400
Wed Apr 22 10:26:22 2020 [19036][1][FATAL] Exception in Controller: Error retrieving record. This record may be deleted or you may not be authorized to view it.
Wed Apr 22 10:26:22 2020 [19036][1][FATAL] backtrace:
#0 …/include/MVC/View/views/view.detail.php(102): sugar_die(‘Error retrievin…’)
#1 …/modules/Project/views/view.ganttchart.php(82): ViewDetail->display()
#2 …/include/MVC/View/SugarView.php(211): ProjectViewGanttChart->display()
#3…/include/MVC/Controller/SugarController.php(435): SugarView->process()
#4 …/include/MVC/Controller/SugarController.php(375): SugarController->processView()
#5 …/include/MVC/SugarApplication.php(113): SugarController->execute()
#6 …/index.php(52): SugarApplication->execute()
#7 {main}
Wed Apr 22 10:26:22 2020 [19040][1][ERROR] Unable to get proper side for link project_name_link
Wed Apr 22 10:26:22 2020 [19040][1][ERROR] Unable to get proper side for link project_name_link
Wed Apr 22 10:26:23 2020 [19042][1][ERROR] Unable to get proper side for link project_name_link
Wed Apr 22 10:26:23 2020 [19042][1][ERROR] Unable to get proper side for link project_name_link

That looks like an access problem. A couple of ideas to investigate…

  1. Check if you can see the chart when logged in as Admin user.
  2. Try changing your security settings in order to give access to the records needed in order to build the graph.

Thank you pgr,

I’m the admin user. Is there any setting I should change even if I’m admin?

Are you using security groups to restrict access? If so, tweak those settings until you can give access.

But if you’re admin, I’m guessing you have a different problem. It would be quite useful to know exactly which record it’s complaining about, but that might take some extra exploration in the code/database. Maybe some deleted project task, that the relationship is still there, or something…

I have deleted everything. I have lodade back the folders of the modules and it works now. I have another issue thoug. When I check the task from the Gantt view the task is always signed as Unassigned even though i have assigned it to myself or to a colleague

I have found that under the record I can add resources that will appera then in the list so that I can assign a resource to the task

Hi @essegi

I got the same error and I am also the admin.

> Fri Jun 11 10:57:53 2021 [30819][1][FATAL] Exception handling in /home/diwcomsg/public_html/suitecrm/include/MVC/Controller/SugarController.php:409
> Fri Jun 11 10:57:53 2021 [30819][1][FATAL] Exception in Controller: Error retrieving record. This record may be deleted or you may not be authorized to view it.

What do you mean by that? You reinstalled SuiteCRM?