
Hi, I was wondering if someone could help me out. I consistently get popups and in the Title of the window says undefined and in the message it says undefined. I also get it when I go to edit in the studio for contacts as seen in the attachment. If anyone could help me fix this that would be great. My site is hosted on HostGator Linux server and I use cPanel

I had this exact problem also. It seems to be a permission issue. Since I’ve had to fix permissions so frequently I created a shell script to do it for me. I’m actually thinking about adding this to my crontab.

cd ~/insert/your/path/to/suitecrm
chmod -R 755 .
chmod -R 775 cache custom modules themes data upload config_override.php
chmod 644 .htaccess

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sorry i don’t quite understand.

No problem. You might need to get info from your hosting company about how to get shell access. Once you get the shell, go to the root of your suitecrm file system and change the owner of the folders. This code is from the suitecrm installation instructions.
chmod -R 755 .
chmod -R 775 cache custom modules themes data upload config_override.php
chmod 644 .htaccess

I’m not an expert, but I had the same problem and after searching and trial and error this worked for me.

This is a permission issue.
Read here

Also please search before you post. There are many posts about undefined and permissions!