Undefined message during screen loading and some tabs show undefined

After installing suitecrm, I keep seeing ā€˜undefinedā€™ during loading.

I found some info that says the permissions were incorrect so I set permissions to 775 on the folders listed below:
cache, custom, data, include, modules, themes, upload

I also set permissions on config_override.php to 775 as well

Iā€™m not sure what else to do at this point. Does anyone know what other steps to take in order to resolve this?


check PHP-Version - 5.3 and 5.4 it should beā€¦
Do a Quick-Repair and Repair JSLanguage-Files

Iā€™m using 5.4 and although Iā€™ve done what you said several times before, I tried it again to no avail.


somewhere, the devil is in it. For me, only the PHP version 5.4.36 worked on Windows and on Ubuntu i am currently went back to 5.3.29 because I had other problems with Costum modules.

Can you change PHP?

Because, unfortunately, does not help, you should check all over again:

  • Immerse undefined also in English?
  • Windows or Linux?

htdocs / config.php

dir 1528 -> Windows
dir 1517-> Linux

file 432-> Windows
file 420-> Linux

chown ā€˜userā€™
Chgrp ā€˜groupā€™

  • Htdocs / include / utils.php
    dir 2770
    file 660

chown ā€˜userā€™
Chgrp ā€˜groupā€™

All Files: 644
All Folders: 755

for Folders, Subdirektories
and Files: 775

cache, custom, data, modules, include, upload, themes

  • Repair JSLanguage
  • Quick and Rebuild

Wow, this software has confused me tremendously!

I installed an entirely new instance
Made EVERYTHING (files and folders) 777 except for config.php
I had placed it in folder called /portal2 so it would be mywebsite.com/portal2
The Loading finally showed properly so I thought Iā€™d change the name to /portal but once I do this the Undefined came back
I thought it couldā€™ve been due to the setting being saved in the cache so I cleared out cache and even used CCleaner then rebooted the system
Came back to /portal and still the same
So I changed the folder name to /partner and still the same
Changed it back to /portal2 and it works fine
So I changed it back to /portal (still does undefined) and then I went to another computer that Iā€™ve never accessed the system from and thatā€™s on another network and got the same undefined message
Went back to my ftp and changed the folder name back to portal2 and went back to the system thatā€™s on another network and went to mywebsite.com/portal2 and the Loading showed properly

BTW, I am using cpanel hosting not a dedicated server

When you say ā€œQuick-Repairā€, do you mean of the SuiteCRM ? If so, how do you do this ?

admin->repair->quick repair and rebuild

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Once I had to [Rebuild .htaccess File] to get rid of that error