Unable to upload contracts

Hi all,

I am attempting to upload booking data into the Contracts module (renamed Bookings). I did this with csv files with the same structure last week, but this week the upload isn’t working. I can select the file, set the file properties, but when I click “Import” the upload will timeout with a 524 error or just reload to the dashboard after several minutes. In the logs are these errors (the last two lines repeat many times)

Wed Jun 26 19:50:05 2019 [8450][1][FATAL] Caught error: stat(): stat failed for upload/import/status_1.csv
Wed Jun 26 19:50:05 2019 [8450][1][FATAL] Caught error: touch(): UploadStream::stream_metadata is not implemented!
Wed Jun 26 19:52:53 2019 [10147][1][FATAL] Caught error: stat(): stat failed for upload/import/error_1.csv
Wed Jun 26 19:52:53 2019 [10147][1][FATAL] Caught error: touch(): UploadStream::stream_metadata is not implemented!
Wed Jun 26 19:52:54 2019 [10147][1][FATAL] error loading relationship project_resource
Wed Jun 26 19:52:54 2019 [10147][1][FATAL] error loading relationship am_projecttemplates_resources

I checked the relationships in Studio but didn’t see project_resource or am_projecttemplates_resources for Contracts (or Projects)

I have done Quick Repair and repaired Relationships.

OS: MacOS 10.13.6, web server: not sure, php: 7.1, DB: Mysql 5, SuiteCRM: 7.11.5
Shared hosting, installation was new about 3 weeks ago, I have admin access and SSH access

Is it possible that your ownerships/permissions got messed up? Those errors suggest PHP is having difficulties with the file system, unable to write files.

You can also try a Admin / Repair / Repair relationships, and a Quick Repair (make sure you scroll down to the bottom and sync vardefs if it offers a button to do so).