Unable to setup 3-level hierarchy in SuiteCRM

Hi Guys,
I have a requirement in which I need to setup a 3 tier hierarchy of people(RM->ASM->Regional Head). I have completed the following steps:-
[li]Created a role for each type of user(RM Role, ASM Role, Regional Head Role)[/li]
[li]Assigned permission to each role as follows:-
[li]RM;- Owner Access[/li]
[li]ASM:- Group Access[/li]
[li]Region Head:- All Access[/li]
[li]Assigned users to each role.[/li]
[li]Ensured that each user reports to their respective manager(RM Reports to ASM, ASM Reports to Regional Head)[/li]
[li]Created a security group called “South Sales Team” and added all the above roles and users to it.[/li]

The RM Role(Owner Access) and the Regional Head(All Access) roles are working as expected, but the ASM Role is not able to list records of the people under him(reporting to him). Users in this role(ASM) can only see the records assigned to them. I have attached screenshots of all the roles and the security groups. Kindly help me through this as I have been struggling for more than a week. Thanks in advance.

Shubham Gupta

Dear Subham,

You have got it wrong w.r.t. “South Sales Team”. You should assign this security group to ASM. That would make him manager of this group. Simultaneously he/she should also be the member of the group.

Ensure that he has groups rights too.

With thanks,


Hi RK,
Thank you for your quick response. However I was not able to successfully follow your directions. If you could provide a step-wise explanation I’d be really grateful. Thank you.

Shubham Gupta

Dear Shubham,

Observe the ‘securitygp1.png’ you have shared. This group you have assigned to ‘System Administrator’. Assign it to ASM.

You seem to have done all other things already.

However, there is one more thing, which I am not sure that you are aware or not, that you should assign all the records of any module in question to this group “South Sales Team”. It is important!

With thanks,


This article really helped me setup my Security settings: